1 JUNE 1956, Page 31



6 The tocsin of the soul to Byron (6-4). I() }lease for a united ft ant (4). Itat of celebrated lion (5). Youths ve been warned' might be said 12 Ahiin, with relish (9). a. k"',ow at the municipality is a sign of 13 'eked (8).

is (6). in short t credit makes for rage Godl that bread should be so 16 ---- (1-1

, ood) (4).

sileDiartf for Charlotte Tucker (4). 401, mused poetically (5). 11 hungry look up and are not e„ (Milton) (5). 'Ilited features of an elegiac church- za a.rd (4).

Produces a pain (4). cti(11.,) hesitation before bombast indi- 16 Vets Wandering tendency (6).

z us:" old constituent of humble pie,

5 N (II to dressmakers? (8) 331 intad.O. fog.(9). , whey direction of Rorke? (5)

al whet)/ saint at sea (4).

ishiere there's eternal spring on the No (lo).


I The benefactor puts on gold (5).

2 To accompany the christening mug? (9) 3 You'll find him between a patriarch and a metropolitan (6).

4 Jangled chimes round an entrance provide light music (10).

5 Elevated standard of inebriety (4).

7 Girlish spirit (5).

8 It sounds as if it should give a bright and shining fire (9).

9 Browning announced that he was ever this (7).

14 End of session in mixed teas (10).

15 Hardy remedies (9).

18 He sticks to the record (9).

19 Godfather of American radio (7).

23 'Follow a -, it still flies you' (Jonson) (6).

25 Earl takes possession of a large part of the kingdom (5).

27 'And the hoofed heel of a - crushes The chestnut-husk at the chestnut-root' (Swinburne) (51.

28 A glass to fortify? (4)

kW lit" Will he awarded: a copy, of the De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century, Dicriotnairs, oac 41( noon r one gea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first Imo cornet WCI io . 0,4 44 (Srat on Julie 12 and addressed: Crossword No. 890, 99 Gower St., London, W tilbers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.

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