1 MARCH 1834, Page 2

The news from Portugal this week, as given in the

correspon- dence of the Daily Journals, is multifarious, but not interesting. The Duke of TERCEIRA, it is said, has again been restored to the command of the troops before Santarem. Sickness and deser- tion are said to be thinning the Miguelite force; but the Migu- elites send the same accounts of the antagonist army. Some curious extracts from the intercepted correspondence of Don ANTONIO SERAIVA with the Viscount DE SANTAREM have been published in the Courier; showing that some of the letters from Lisbon, which have appeared as genuine in the Morning Post, were in fact fabricated in London, from hints and materials furnished by the Don SERAIVA himself; who, it would appear, was not very scrupulous as to the truth of his intelligence when he deemed it might serve his master.