1 MARCH 1834, Page 9



The a nticip ttion. which seems to have been very generally entertainer), t hat the Mi- nistry would be defeated in the division on Sir W. I NOILIIY's motion, hail the elf ct of producing a depression in the English Funds. On Wednesday. Consols were as low as 90 for Money, and 901 for the Account. The division of last night has, however, but ,the effect of en using an advance and the closing peers of to-day, viz. 901 to 91 for .Money. and 911 to 91.1 are the highest which the Stink has reached for some time. India Awl Bauk Stocks still continue in nl. at somewhat higher prices than hitherto. The Foreign Market has been in a state or great activity during the week ; all Fu. reign Securities, with the exception tattle Spanish and Portuguese. were influenced by the depression of the English Funds, and a consequent reaction has taken place in 'diem. Dutch 21 per Cents. have been as low as 491. and close at 501 to 501. Russian Bomb; maintain their prices, and are scarce. Danish Stock also continues scarce, but has not experienced any material advance of price. The Greek Loan of ISM seems to be considered it desirable invt•stment ; the William is at 1061. The Bonds guaran- lost by England are at 114; those by France and Russia at 102 to 103. Ity tolviees received in the course of the week from Nlexico, that country seems now to be in a tranquil state. Six hundred thousand dollars arrived by the packet, and a farther sum of one million was ready for shipment. Notwithstanding the di-et ppoint • meat of the Bondholders, who expected that remittances would have been mad • on ae. count of tint unpaid dividends, the Bonds still tnalutain their prices allioug rather flat. To day has been the settling day in the Foreign Market ; and great difficult y has been ,xp,•rienced by the speculators for the rise lat the inferior desi-riptionsof Stock in carry- ing over t heir accounts. Interest at the high rate of 30 per cent. per annum having in 11.11% instances been paid. Notwithstanding this scarcity of the Spanish and po, Inguese Bonds.% Inch were principally :alerted by it, leave off at higher prices than yesterday, although lower that' the closing quotations of last week ; Spanish being 'now at 33 to 331 ; and Portuguese at 74.


At the commencement of business this morning. the Consul Market was very firm, and sonar inncita.es were effected for Account at 911. The price has since declined to 911 ea. Account, and 901 for Nleney; and is now 91.11 91 for Mtmey, and 911 for Aeconot. India Stock still meanies rising; and is at 2531 :511.' Exchequer Bills are 49 50 prem. The Foreign Market is in a comparatively tranquil state. Spanish Stoek, which bas been at 314 and at 321, is now 321 1. Portugo,, )toils have been a; 7.2; ; but a Item sale for Ioonidiate delivery has d: pressed the Market, and the pie,. is I tow 711 72. The tots iness in the other Fureign Funds has been quite ituimportant, and they are nearly at the closing prices of yesterday.


The Como! Market closes at 901 for Money, ;Ina 91 for Account. The Foreign Stodis gem•rallv are rather lower than in the morning. Dutch 21 per Cents are 491 5,11. Spanish Stuckis 321 1. The efforts which bad been mate to sustain the Portuguese Bends have tint succeeded, and the price is now 711. A decline of 5% has occurred in th•• Del Monte Shares : the price was this morning 46; and joist previous to the close of tinsiness, a i ale was effecttslat 41. We cannot learn that any intelligence has been received from t he Mines %Odell might account for this th•preciation, amt believe it to have oreurred only in consequence of coati mot sales.

216 25:31 4/ 49 50 971 9,3 741 751 Ditto for Atsmunt New 31 per Cent. Annuities Bank Stock India Stock for Acct Exchequer

Belgian 5 per Cents.

Brazilian 5 per Cents Da nish3 per Cents

Dutch 21 per Lints. 494, 501.

Frenela 3 per Cents

:reek. 1833. 5 per Cents —

51,•xiean 6 per Cents. 40 1

Port tagut•se 5 per Cents 714 Do It egeecy St-rip 5 per Cent 711

Prussian. NIS, 5 per Cent

1-22.5 per Cent 1031 101 Spanish, l'_21.5 per Cent 321 e