1 MARCH 1834, Page 9


THE Revolt if the Worhhouse, at the Fitzroy, is a broad burlesque of the Revolt of the Rarest, written by the editor of Fiyaro, with point and humour; capitally got up by NIurcout., and well acted by the company, wit° one and all enter heartily into the spirit of the fun. All the principal scenes mind characters of the Revolt t4' the Harem are tra- vestied. The female paupers are the revolters ; AIuggiiss, the 3Iaster, represents; the Sultan ; Skullcraek. the Beadle, the Cominander in Chief; and Sheepshanks, the Workhouse Clerk, the Eunuch. The paupers have "a graild hop ;" in the course of which, Manama., Ox- us:Rasa and Mrs. BRINDAL perform a pas de trois, caricaturing the ac- tion and attitudes of the French dancers most ludicrously. Instead of spears changing to lyres, the revolters are armed with beadle-staves, which change to besoms ; the military mantetivres of the Amazons of the Harem are burlesqued by the denizens of the Wot khouse, clad ill Policemen's jackets and glazed hats ; and they bivouac ht' moonlight in the pass of Fleet Street, with apple-roasting fires in the distance. The paupers are triumphant ; and their demand for loaf sugar in their tea is acceded to. The parodies of popular airs are very effective : and the burlesque keeps the audience in a continued roar of laughter.