1 MARCH 1873, Page 2

Mr. Church, the General Manager of the London General' Omnibus

Company (Limited), writes to the Times to confirm Lord Rosebery's views as to the scarcity of horses in England. His Company have bought 22,024 horses in twelve years, and the average has risen from £23 to 432, the greatest increase. being in 1872. Until 1870 the Company always bought Englislr horses, but since 1872 they have been compelled to go abroad, and for eighteen months have purchased all their horses in, France. This difficulty is felt also by the " Tram " Companies, which want to use engines instead, and is said by Mr. Church to have reduced the number of working horses in London to an un- precedented extent. That the facts point to an increase in the. price of horses seems clear, but there is as yet no proof of decrease- in quantity. The demand may be overtaking the supply. Are. Hungarian horses, the short, swift, strong beasts used in Vienna, too dear for London ?