1 MARCH 1879, Page 2

The contest for the Haddington Burghs resulted in the return

of the Liberal candidate, Sir David Wedderburn, and the defeat of the Solicitor-General for Scotland, but the victory was not so great as that obtained in the last contest. Sir David Wedder- burn polled 921 votes, against 723 given for the Solicitor-General for Scotland,—majority 198. But in the last contest,—the con- test of last August, —Lord William Hay polled 881 votes, against only 651 given for the Conservative candidate (Sir Grant Suttie),—majority, 230. It seems, then, that while the Liberals have polled 40 votes more than in the autumn of last year, the Conservatives polled 72 votes more than they polled in the same election, and so gained 32 votes on their opponents.