1 MARCH 1890, Page 1


fr HE precise results of the German elections will not be known till next week, as among 397 elections, 151 second ballots are required, and will be held to-day. As yet, the known till next week, as among 397 elections, 151 second ballots are required, and will be held to-day. As yet, the Cartel" alliance, or Government party, has secured 84 seats, the Clericals 90, the Radicals 20, and the Socialists 21, the remainder falling to Poles, Alsatians, and Particulaiists who cannot be relied on by either side. It is supposed that after the second ballots, the Cartel Party will be little more than a third of the House, the Radicals and Socialists will be together nearly a third of the House, and the balance of power will rest permanently with the Clericals, who will make their own terms. 'The Government is greatly moved, and the Emperor so well aware that he has received a rebuff, that he and Prince Bis- marck have drawn together again upon internal politics, and -the retirement of the latter, which it is semi-officially announced had been decided on, has been postponed. Limited as are the powers of the German Reichstag, the Government .cannot dispense with its adhesion, and a period of tension and difficulty is anticipated in the domestic affairs of the Empire.