1 MARCH 1930, Page 1

News of the Week

The Covenant and the Pact THE lull in the Naval Conference has been in one respect , a blessing. Public opinion has had a chance . to see beyond the technicalities ',based on the hypothesis of war into the real purpose of the-Conference. This 'purpose is to register in high policy the situation that results for the Powers . from their signature_ of the Paris Pact. The assumption of that Pact is peace, not war- And so the centre of interest shifts, rightly and inevitably, from London to Geneva where, when we write, a Com- mittee is considering What amendments it might be advisable to introduce into the Covenant in order to bring .it harmony with, the Pact.; This. Committee, which includes such eStablisheil figures„of the League as Lord Cecil, Signor ScialOja; TitulescO; and the redoubt- able Swede, ProfeSsor !Alden, was appointed in accordance with the British proposal at . the Tenth Assembly last September. _ _ _ • - .