1 MARCH 1930, Page 17


The supreme fitness of Whipsnadc—the new country branch of the Regent's Park Zoo—is so sharp a contrast, with its hill and woods, to the narrow, fiat fields of Sununertown that one is chary of welcoming the idea of the proposed Oxford Zoo. It is only pleasant to see animals in captivity when their iron bars do not make a cage ; when they are given the sense and offer the appearance of enjoying a modicum of liberty, or at least of movement. Room to kick their heels in a plausible ground is an essential. The new zoo is as far removed from the old zoo as the house from the wigwam. The travelling zoo, and the small local zoo are things of the past, or most of us think they ought to be. For myself, I cannot but hope that the thoughtful little scheme for town-planning' to the crowded north of Oxford will not be interrupted by cages of any sort. Trees are proper to town and country planning. Animals are not.