1 MARCH 1930, Page 17


If any naturalist desires quaint and suggestive reading about birds he should read the humble, but rich, little pamphlet of the Wild Birds' Protection Society of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society (issued from 31 Surrey Street, Norwich). It is really amazing how rapidly wise protection increases a species. On that quaint spit of land called Blakeney Point, presided over by Mr. Pinchen, most active and learned of watchers, no fewer than one thousand pairs of Sandwich term—at the very lowest estimate—nested and brought off their young. But what a county Norfolk is ! Snow-buntings were seen in flocks of many hundred along the coast. Brent geese descended on the flats and creeks in such numbers, perhaps as many as a thousand, that they devoured every blade of widgeon grass or zostera ; and this particular example suggests how easy it should be to attract birds by encouraging the right food plant. Certainly woodcock can be so attracted, and other game birds can be fed by local Vegetation more effectively than by scattered grain.