1 MARCH 1930, Page 22

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

:SIR, —I think we are all tired of these futile arguments as to ,whether it is cruel or not to keep animals in cages. If we would give up thinking of what pleases or interests us and confine ourselves to considerations of the animals' tastes and habits, we should arrive at quite a different conclusion.

Having been made with a love of the " wide places of the earth," of light and colour and wild natural beauty, would it be fair to compel me to live in a small and ugly town, just because certain people got amusement, or even instruction, out of watching me under these unnatural circumstances ?

We know the wild creatures were made for a free untram- melled life, and to pretend it is justifiable to keep them .even in comfortable confinement, shows a slipshod morality 'and a want of lucid thought very discreditable to our present stage of civilization.—I am, Sir, &C., MABEL ONSLOW, Mount Severn, Llcrraidloes, Mont.