1 MARCH 1930, Page 53


The splendid surplus shown in the latest valuation in the Industrial branch of the Pearl Assurance Company may be regarded as the outcome of a sound policy pursued over a number of years. This surplus of £1,101,854 permits of the extension of the bonus system to the Industrial branch policy- holders in respect of contracts effected before January 1st, 1923. This bonus will be ls. 4d. per penny of weekly premiums on Whole Life policies and ls. on Endowment Assurances, the bonus being payable along with sums assured. This bonus absorbs £506,671, while £64,804 goes to Investment Reserve, £73,095 to Staff Pension Fund, £840,000 to Profit and Loss, and £117,284 will be carried forward. In the Ordinary branch the surplus was £1,093,621, and a reversionary bonus of 46s. per cent. on sums assured is declared on participating policies absorbing £684,132. A sum of £135,198 goes to Investment Reserve, £26,905 to Staff Pension Fund, £171,038 to Profit and Loss, and 176,355 will be carried forward. The funds of the company now stand at £58,464,241, showing an increase on the year of £4,882,218.