1 MARCH 1957, Page 7

OUR POPULAR PRESS may be, as Mr. Randolph Churchill contends

on another page, a sink of iniquity; but I am grateful to it for various dis- closures in the last few days : that as an economy measure by the West Riding County Council, all pencils used in the County Hall are to be cut in half; that Mr. Colin Wilson, in his diary, writes 'I am the literary genius of our century'; that Lord' Ferrers, arguing against abolition, said 'It is not those noble Lords who give the murderers the second chance; it is the would-be victim. If that murderer takes his second chance, the would-be victim will remain alive. If the murderer refuses- his 'second chance, the would-be victim would become indeed a victim'; and that a strip-tease show in King's Lynn had to be shortened because of the snow—lf we shiver and move any part of our body during a pose, we would lose our licence,' one of the girls explained. Her name, according to the Sunday Pictorial, was Margaret Sh uffiebottom.