1 MARCH 1997, Page 24

Sir: In the article about Hugh Grant, it is mentioned

that in the film world he cannot compete with beefcakes. What beefcakes, for goodness sake, are there in Hollywood these days? Woody Allen? Dustin Hoffman? Harrison Ford? Mark Hamill? Or that little chap in Back to the Future? Tom Cruise is hardly a beefcake — mascu- line but too short — and Kevin Costner, continually rubbing his eyes, does not Vali" fy either. Nor does the boyish Tom Hanks or the melancholy Al Pacino, another smal- ly. No, the beefcakes these days all seem to be on the golf courses. Hugh Grant could never be Cary, but nor could any of the above.

Auriol Reid 36 St Peter's Square, London W6