1 MAY 1852, Page 11


Maddox Street, 26th April 1852. SIR—Allow me to say one word—the last I ever wish to say, about Mr. Walters.

You will have seen that I requested Captain Weatherley to demand of Mr. Walters a retractation of the charges which he made against me, and that after undue delay Mr. Walters refused it. He says he gave satisfactory ex- planations to Captain Weatherley. After Mr. Walters admitted the cor- rectness of the newspaper report, Captain Weatherley had no authority to receive on my account any explanations. But if he had, look to the charges. They are assertions that I gave certain profligate votes either before I was in Parliament or before I was in existence. Do these assertions admit of satisfactory explanations ? I have before been forced to make public my opinion of Mr. Walters ; let me say now, that I deliberately adhere to such opinion.