1 MAY 1897, Page 25


Burgon (G. B.), "01d Man's Marriage," or 8vo (Richards) 60 Campbell ((1. T.), Bi itit.h South Africa, cr 8vo (Beeman) 7,6 Cresswell (IL). Without Issue, or 8vo (Hurst & Blackett) Oh

Dallioger (F. W.), Nominations for Elective Office in the U.S....(Longmans) 7;6 Donovan ID.), Chronicles of 31,chael Danevitch, cr 8vo (Chatto & Windus) 36

Dyke ( W ), Cralktrees, or 8vo (13n win) 6/0

Filon (A.), The Engliai Stage, 8vo (Milne) 716

Glyn (Hon. C.), A Drama in Dregs. or 8vo (Simokin) 610 Gould (S. Baring), A Study of St. Paul, 8vo (Isbister) 10,6 Gray (W.), Influenza, Sea (11. K. Lewis) 3/6

Hall (W. C.), The Queen's Reign for Children, Cr 8vo ( Onwin) 216 Hare (C.), As We Sow, or too (Osgood) 3/6

Herron ((0. D.), Social Meanings of Religious Expi Helices, 12mo...(Allenson) 3/6 Hodgetts (E. A. Brayley), A Russian Wild Flower, or Svc, (Macqueen) 6/0 Horton (G.), Aphroesss, and other Poems, 12mo (Unwin) 3,6 Hugo of Aveadon, in 4 Acts, by E. L. EL, 4to (Stock) 6/0 Xeith (G. S.), Fads of an Old Physician, cr too (Black) 2/6 Langbridge (F.), The Dreams of Danis, cr 8vo (Bowden) 3/6

Le Queue (W.). The Eye of later, cr 8vo (F. V. White) 610

Lewis (H. C.), The Genesis and Matrix of the Diamond, roy 8vo (Longmans) 7,6 Lives of Twelve Bad Women, 8vo (Unwin) 16/0 Merrill (G. P.), Bones for Building and Decoration, 8vo (Chapman & Hall) 21/0 Merrill (G. P.), A Treatise on Rock.. Rock-Weathering, and Soils (Macmillan) 17/0 Mitford (B.), Fordham's Feud, cr too (Ward & Lock) 3/6

Moulton (R. G.), Jeremiah (Modern Reader's Bible), 16mo (Macmillan) 2/6

Newton (W.), Twenty Years of Saskatchewan, N.W. Canada, cr 8vo (Stock) 5/0 Ochiltree (EL', Out of Her Shroud, or 8vo (Black) 6/0 Peacock (F. M.), A Friendship after Plato, or 8vo (Simpkin) 36 Platitudes of a Pessimist (The), by Author of "The Life of &Prig " (K. Paul) 6/0 Political Pamphlets, selected and arranged by A. F. Pollard, cr 8vo (K. Paul) 610 Pulpit Commeutary : Dinie', roy 8vo (K. Paul) 15/0 Rowlands (A.), The Fault of One, or too K. Paul) 6/0 Salmon (L. 31.), Domestic Service, or too (Macmillan) 7/6 Bogle (C.), In Praise of Music, 12mo (Sock) 6/0 Sherard (R. H.), The White slaves of Eng:and, cr 8vo (Bowden) 2/6 Tarbet (W. G.), Ill-Gotten Gold, cr 8vo (Cassell) 6/0 Tayler (A. J. Wallis), Motor Cars, 12mo (Lockwood) 4/6

Tyack (G. 8.). Historic Dress of toe Clergy, or Svc) (Andrews) 3/6

Wylde (K.), Our Wills and Fates, cr 8vo (Osgood) 6/0 Zola (E.), His Excellency, or too (Chatto & Windus) 3/6