1 MAY 1909, Page 15


(To TEE EDITOR OF TEE " SPICTATOR."J Sin,—In thirty years I have never known the Spoctator fall into such a blunder as it perpetrated last week in writing of Joan of Are as having been canonised last Sunday, and actually heading the article "St. Joan of Arc." She was not canonised, she was beatified, which is a step towards canonisa- tion, but until canonised no one becomes a saint in the Roman Catholic Church. Those who, like me, regard the Spectator as an authority on all matters of fact printed in its columns will in this instance undoubtedly be misled unless, by accident, they are better informed. I write this iu no carping spirit of criticism, as even an editor is not infallible,

but purely in the interests of accuracy on a question of some

importance.—I am, Sir, &c., D. W. SAMSON. 74 Grosvenor Road, Highbury, N.

[We regret the mistake, and cannot plead even the excuse of ignorance.—En. Spectator.]