1 MAY 1926, Page 34


Although it is three years since Mr. Christopher Nugent retired from the management of the Union Discount Company, of London, the news of his death last Tuesday at the advanced age of seventy-four was received with the deepest regret in Money Market circles. Some idea of the brilliance of Mr. Nugent's business attainments may be gathered from the fact that at the early age of twenty-seven he was Manager of the Institution destined ultimately to become one of the foremost Discount Companies of London, and these brilliant abilities were exercised up to the very time of his retirement. Quite apart, however, from business abilities, Mr. Nugent possessed a vivid personality, and just those characteristics of geniality and vivacious charm which make their influence felt quite as much in business life as in social circles. He will be missed and mourned by a very wide circle, both of business and