1 MAY 2004, Page 28

The dying West

From Phil Wyness Sir: Mark Steyn is right to point out that 'the West, as a . . . demographic fact, is dying', but it will not be George Bush who proves its saviour (Only Bush can save Europe', 24 April). The West needs saving from itself.

Since the middle of the last century, throughout the West, the spread of liberal democracy and the pursuit of individual freedom at almost any cost have brought about an evolutionary catastrophe. In this country, since the introduction of the Abortion Law Reform Act of 1967, the state has conspired in the destruction of some 6-10 million of its future citizens. Any animal husbandman who treated his flock with such Caligulan disregard would soon find himself in Queer Street; and this is where the largely white and liberal West now finds itself heading at great speed.

No doubt this vacuum will be filled, one way or another, by immigrants from ThirdWorld countries whose cultures or religions do not countenance such airheaded disregard for humanity. We should contemplate with anguish the fate of the remnants of our tribe, who may then be made to pay, by their new masters, for the real or imagined transgressions of their ancestors.

Phil Wyness

Esher, Surrey

From Robert Fike Sir: Every issue of your publication provides the best analysis of the various wars and/or legal actions against terrorism and/or its sympathisers and/or sponsors (mercy, it almost never ends, does it?) to be found on any news-stand or in the vast digital wasteland that is the Internet. Nowhere else can one find such cogently argued and exceedingly well-written pieces from such a wide spectrum of perspectives. It makes for an informative, entertaining, challenging and hugely refreshing read.

Mark Steyn is winning the debate, by the way. May the remnants of al-Qa'eda perish on the battlefields of New Hampshire.

Robert Fike

Alexandria, Virginia

From David Stem Sir: I must say I am rather perturbed by Mark Steyn's fawning adoration of George Bush and the anti-Muslim/anti-Islamic vitriol which seems to be the main theme of all his articles. At best it's just downright silly and at worst I find his efforts quite destructive of our cause.

David Stern

New York