1 NOVEMBER 1834, Page 21




The market generally is excessively dull, with a decline both in mutton and veal- the former 24. and the latter full 64. per stone-from Monday's quotations, leaving the figure for the best descriptions of either at 4s. 24. The supply of calves is short, but 01 sheep not so. Nothing but the very best sorts of beef (sad there is very little of that quality in the market) reach 4s the terms for all other being lower by Rd. per stone. The demand for pork is still good, at 4s.

0I•iiniTS ins latAnaNH•LL... SMITH..

Beef ...... ...... 2rdhi. to Es. Ott. to Na. 44. ...... .. 28. 64. to 8s.

Mutton 5 4 .. 3 • .. 5 4 .. ...... 3 0 .. 2 Veal 2 8 .. 3 4 .. 4 0 11 6 .. 0

Pork ...... ...... 2 8 .. a 4,.40 4 0 .. 0 Lamb ... . . . 0 0 .. 0 0 .. 00 ... 0 0 .. 0 • *By ate Carcase, per stone °ISM% f Molting she offal, per -

n.s 4. to 4r. 4d..

• 4 ▪ 4 ▪ o 0 .. 0 0 Sibs. e.

Maple 40 „ 42

White 34 .. 38

Boilers 40 .. 42

Benne, Ticks 34 .. 36

Old Harrow 0 . 0

V. S.

Oats, Peed 18 „Ill Fine... 21 .. Poland... et .. Fine... 43 .. 23 Poteto... 24.55 Fine... 26

Wheat, Red New 36 to 40 Rye, New 33.. 88

Fine . 42 .. 46 Barley, Steined 24 White, New.. 47 .. 49 Malting 33 .. 37 Fine ..... ..... 44 ..41 Malt. Ordinary 46 ..34

r Supe . •• • .. 48 .. 52 Fine 56 . 60 Old .i. 30 .. 54 Peas, Hog 88 .. 40

HAY AND STRAW. (Per load of 36 Trusses.)

C ..... acme. SIIITINIIIILD. P.M,. s. Worreour vet Hay, flood 92s, to IOU"... 100s to 103s. 83, to 95s. 73s. to 100s Inferior.... ....... . 75 .. 80 ••• • • 90 •• 98 0 .. 0 0 .. 0 Mew BO .. 95 0 .. 0 80 .. 00 0 . 0

Clover 100 .. 108 100 .. 110 70 . 90 00 .. 118

Straw, Wheat 17 - 54 to .. sa 28 .. 84 VA .. 32

42 26 108 105 113} 103} F6e 87


1064 57 544 SIT AIRES. (Last Official Quotation during the Week, ending Friday Evening.)

71 33

29} 43 17k Commercial Docks East India London St. Katharine West !Mira Hibernian Joint Stock Brink London and Westminster Bank National Provincial Bank ....

Provincial Bank of Ireland Anglo-Mexican Mines Bolanos Brazilian Imperial British Iron Real del Monte (Unregistered) United Mexican Australian Agricultural Canada Company General Steam Navigation 54 664


9 104 404 GRAIN.


The arrival of Wheat this week is moderate, and the trade is very firm, on full as good terms as on Monday. Fine Barley continues in request, and obtains that day's prices, though ordinary sorts may be bought rather lower. In the Oat trade there is no alteration to notice, although the supply is again rather large from Ireland. BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.)

So tar. Monday. Tuesday. Indus.

3 perCent.Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent. Reduced 34 per Cents Reduced..

New 34 per Cents.

Long A unuities Bank Stock ,8per Ct.

India Stock.I0e p Ct South Sea Stock,:if p.Cent. Eechequer Bills,14d.p.diem.

Stadia Bonds,24 per Cent Thar', 914 914 90} 991 1004 17 225 266


914 914 90} 99f 100f 174 2244 2654 91 914 904 9.ef 100 17 224 264} 914 91} 904

17 2241


25 43 prem 24 prem 44 25 44 25 44 25 91 914 90e 99f 1004 17 265 90/ 91 90 981 99' 17 264 FOREIGN FUNDS (Last Official Quotation during the Week, ending Friday evening.)

Alabamatpayable 1863) 5 p. Ct. 97 Mexican (deferred) ... 5 p. lit

Austrian 5 104 Ditto. ( Ditto) 6 Belgian 5 - 1014 Mississippi (New) 6 Brazilian 5 771 Neapolitan of 1824.... 5 - Buenos Ayres Chilian 6 - 294 New York (payble.1845) 5 -

6 34 Ditto (Ditto 1837) 6 - Colombian of 1824 6 - 31e Ohio 6 Danish 3 76 Pennsylvania (pay1858) 5 :-

Dutch (Ex 12 Gnildere) 24 - 524 Peruvian 6 Ditto (Ditto) ... 5 - 9341 Portuguese 5 French 3 - 78f.60e Ditto, New 5


5 - 106f. Or. Ditto 6 Ditto, Bank Shares.... 1790f. Oc Prussian of 1822 5 Greek of 1825 5 - - - It ussian or 1822 5 Louisiana (State Loan) 5 - 1024 Ditto (Metallic) 5 Mexican 5 - 30 Spanish of 1821-2 5 Ditto 6 - 414 Ditto, 1853 5

AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN Per Queerer (Imperial) at England nod Wales,

for the week ending Oct. 25.

Wheat 40.. 84. 1 Nye 30s, Id. Barley „....... 29 10 Beaus .. ..... 36 10

Onus St it re n1 41 0 Aggregate Average or the last Six Weeksorbich regulate. Duty. Wheat........ 42, ed. I Rye 328. 24, Barley so 10 Beans ........ 36 6 Oats Cl St Pen. 40 le Duty on FOREIGN CORN for the plesent Sleek.

Whist 44, bd. I nye Ms. a s. Barley 18 4 Beans II 6 Oats 15 8 Peac 9 6 FLOUR.

To ........... „pet sock 40a,10 435. Seconds ........ ................ • • .. se

[tidies and Suffolk, on board ship.... 54 .. 88 Norfolk and Stockton ......... 34 44 FIRRAD.....181. the ens. Loaf BUTTER... .Best Fresh I5s.0d. perdoz.


Scotch Reds per ton 11*.10s. Od.to 31. MAC K idneys (York) 4 0 0 ..O 0 0

M ddllog per too. t te 0 ..0 0 4

Wore 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 HOPS.

gent Pockets tier cwt. M. Or. .. 64 Ir.

Choice Ditto........ ... .... II 10 .• 3 0 4 ,sre‘ Pockets 4 15 .. 5 5 Superfine Ditto I 19 .. I IS


WalPsEed, Best per too We 64.6:411..94 ........ :09•rior IS S .. IS II


Muscovado (exclusive of duty) per cwt. 20r. 204. .......... NI. to 24/.


note; Poet eget, In Coin --per ea. 0/. Os. Od. • • .. Foreign, in 1a.m ..... .• ..•..• 3 17 0

.... New Doubloons 0 0 0 SHESE, in Ben, Standard 0 4 1111

... New Dello... 0 al 6TA LS.

I ton. In Bees ...... • "43° Tie,,. H.64 ......... Is e

Quicksilver.. ..... 0 .. Copper, in -. Coke ..per tom o o

Load. P I 0 0 .• Milled Of sheet I o o Stoat 0 0

7 101.04, O 0 O 9 I 0 O 0 o O 0 O 0 OILS.

Rape Oil pagan 4111 ils,,

. Refined 45 1 Lia:r;d011. ... .. ..... . SO 8 Linseed Oil C;;V•e•;ii•ls■ iiill.....P6., Iiii It III

Baps Cake WOOL. yes Bo. 111. to 1150

15 - SS

14 r. II

libmintt Combing