1 NOVEMBER 1851, Page 8


It has been announced that Mr. Benjamin Hawes has resigned his office of Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, upon his appoint- ment to that of Deputy Secretary at War, in place of Mr. Lawrence Suli- van, who retires after upwards of forty years' service. Mr. Hawes is succeeded in the Colonial Department by Mr. Frederick Peel.

The Horne Office, obeying her Majesty's directions in pursuance of an address of the House of Commons, dated the 7th of July, has issued to the Town-Clerks of the English and Welsh Municipalities, a circular commanding each to make "a return of the number of municipal electors on the burgess-list made out before the date of this order in the several boroughs in England and Wales which return Members to Parliament and have a Municipal Corporation."

The relations of Prince Castelcicala with the British Government have unfortunately assumed so unpleasant a character, that, although the Prince is one of the oldest foreign Envoys in this country, and figured during the war in the military operations of the British Army, the Neapolitan Go- vernment has acted judiciously in appointing another Minister, Prince Carini, in his place ; and this nobleman may shortly be expected to arrive from Madrid, where he is now resident, at the Court of London.—Times, Oct. 28.

We have received the following correspondence between the Prince Castelcicala and Lord Palmerston, relative to the communication, offi- cially, by the former to the Foreign Office, of a pamphlet published in London in reply to Mr. Gladstone's Letters to the Earl of Aberdeen.

"Prince Castelcicala to Viscount Palmerston.

"15 Prince's Street, Cavendish Square, August 9.

" My Lord—In a report which appeared in the Times paper of yesterday of the sitting of the House of Commons, I have read that your Excellency, in answer to a question put by Sir De Lacy Evans relative to some publics; tions of Mr. Gladstone against the Government of the King my august mas- ter, said that you considered it your duty to send copies of the same to the British Ministers at the various Courts of Europe ; and since a reply to the said publication grounded upon substantial documents, has recently made its appearance, I have the honour to send fifteen copies to your Excellency, and therefore request your Excellency will take precisely the same means for their distribution as you have done for those of Mr. Gladstone.

"The known maxim `Audi alteram partem,' the courtesy of your Excel- lency, and, in the present conjuncture, what is better, your justice, all lead me to hope that your Excellency will not find my request indiscreet. " CASTELCICALI:.

" Viscount Palmerston to Prince Castelcicala.

"Foreign Office, Aug. IS.

" Prince—I have had the honour to receive your letter of the 9th instant, enclosing a copy of a pamphlet entitled The Neapolitan Government and Mr. Gladstone, and requesting that copies of that pamphlet may be forwarded to her Majesty's Ministers at the several European Courts. I have to state to you in reply, that I must decline being accessory to the circulation of a pam- phlet which, in my opinion, does no credit to its writer or the Government which he defends, or to the political party of which he professes to he the champion. "I should never have taken the liberty of addressing you on the subject of Mr. Gladstone's pamphlet, if you had not by your letter of the 9th instant rendered it necessary for me to do so ; and I can assure you that it is not with- out pain and reluctance that I state to you my opinion in regard tolhose pamphlets and to the matters of which they treat ; but I feel that silence on my part, after the receipt of your communication of the 9th, wotilfl'expose me to misrepresentation. I feel myself therefore compelled to say, that Gladstone's letters to Lord Aberdeen present an afflicting picture of a system of illegality, injustice, and cruelty, practised by the officers and agents of the- Government in the kingdom of Naples, such as might have been hoped would not have existed in any European country in the present days ; and the information which has been received upon these matters from many other sources leads, unfortunately, to the conclusion that Mr. Gladstone by no means overstated the various evils which he 'describes. But Mr. Glad= stone's letters were evidently written and published, not, as the pamphlet which you send me insinuates, in a spirit of hostility to the King of Naples, or with feelings adverse to the Parliamentary;ind Monarchical constitution which his Sicilian Majesty has granted to his subjects and has confirmed by his Royal oath ; Mr. Gladstone's object seems, on the contrary, to have been the friendly purpose of drawing public attention to, and of directing the force of public opinion upon, abuses which, if allowed to continue, must necessarily sap the foundation of the Neapolitan monarchy, and prepare the way for those yin= lent revulsion which the resentments produced by a deep sense of long-con- tinued and wide-spread injustice are sure sooner or later to produce. It might have been hoped that the Neapolitan Government would have re- ceived those letters in the spirit in which they manifestly were written, and would have set to work earnestly and effectually to correct those manifold and grave abuses to which their attention has thus been drawn. It is ob- vious, that by such a course the Neapolitan Government would do more to frustrate the designs of revolutionists, and to strengthen the Monarchical institutions of their country, than could be effected by the most rigorous proceedings of the most vigilant Minister of the Police. But the Govern- ment of Naples will be much mistaken if it imagines that a pamphlet, con- sisting of a flimsy tissue of bare assertions and reckless denials, mixed up- with coarse ribaldry and commonplace abuse of public men and political parties, will accomplish any useful purpose, or tender any real service to the Government on whose behalf it appears to have been written. And I must take leave to observe, that there are admissions, direct and indirect, in Mr. Mac Farlane's pamphlet, which go far to establish the conclusions which he professes an intention to overthrow. PA.L3IBRSTON."

It will be remarked, that the letters above given were written so far back as the month of August ; but we understand from the person from whom we have received them, that it was only lately that they have been made known to the diplomatic world.—Times.

The quarterly return of marriages, births, and deaths, has been pub- lished by the Registrar-GeneraL The return of marriages comprises those of the Spring quarter, ending on the 30th June 1851.

The marriages were 38,498; a less number than in the spring quarter of the preceding year by 520, but a greater number than in the spring quarter- of 1848 by 3777. The marriages only amounted to 30,048 in the spring quarter of 1842; they rose to 34,268 in the spring quarter of 1844; to 37,111, in the spring quarter of 1846 ; declined to 35,197 in 1847 ; and rose again to i 39,018 in the spring quarter of 1850. The Registrar-General observes—" Every marriage is the establishment of a family, and is generally the result of some deliberation : it is not sur- prising, therefore, that the prosperity of the country and the prospects of the people should be expressed pretty accurately by the fluctuations in the mar- riage returns."

The various districts of the kingdom exhibited so varying rates of marry- ing impulse, that one cannot exhibit any general tendency or law. " While the marriages increased rapidly in some parts, they were stationary or de- creased in others. In London, 6515 couples were married ; which exceeds the number married in the summer of 1848 by 1106. In Surrey out of London, in Sussex, Kent, and Berkshire, the marriages were nearly sta- tionary. In Hampshire they decreased. In the South Midland, the Eastern Counties, as well as in Wiltshire, Dorsetehire, and Devonshire, marriage was: stationary or decreased. In Cornwall and Somersetshire there was an in crease. In Gloucestershire marriage was stationary. In Herefordshire and Shropshire the numbers married were unpreeedentedly low. In Staffordshire! Worcestershire, and Warwickshire—including the chief seats of the Midland iron trade—the marriages increased. The marriages rose from 383 in 1848- to 487 in Birmingham. In Leicestershire, Rutlandshire, and Lincolnshire, the marriages were below, in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire above, the average number ' • the excess occurring chiefly in the districts of Nottinglism, Chesterfield, and Hayfield. The marriages in Cheshire and Lancashire de- creased. The decrease was considerable in i Liverpool, and greater still in Manchester. In the West Riding of Yorkshire there s an excess ; and this is most conspicuous in Sheffield, where the marriages in the five summer quarters ending June 1847-51, were 283, 273, 289, 339, and 404. In Leeds, the marriages were 351 in the June quarter of 1848 ; 530 and 487 in the corresponding quarters of 1850 and 1851. In Hull, the marriages increased from 147 in the June quarter of the cholera year, 1849, to 175 in 1850, but have fallen again to 158. The marriages decreased hi the North Riding of

i Yorkshire, in Northumberland, and Cumberland ; increased in the coal dis- tricts of Durham. In Monmouthshire and Wales, marriages were less fre- quent than in 1850."

The report of marriages concludes with this statistical point—"It has been observed that the marriages increase after a fatal epidemic ; and in the present return the marriages, it is seen, have been in excess generally where cholera was most fatal in 1849."

he births and deaths reported are those of the summer quarter ending orhe 30th September 1851.

he births were 150,584; the greatest number ever registered in the same son of the year. The number exceeds by 23,411, and 15,361, and 3614, ti births in the September quarters of 1847, 1849, and 1850. The births of .4,096 children have already been registered, and it is probable that in the tr the numbers will not fall short of 600,000. The increase is distributed :er all the divisions of the country except the South Midland. The deaths were 91,600. The health of different parts of the country dif- ;re widely, and the difference is greatest in summer. In the ten summer Luarters of 1841-50, the mortality in 506 districts, comprising, when the :lenses was taken, 10,126,886 people, was at the rate of 18.15 in 1000 an- nually ; while in 117 districts, comprising. the chief towns, and 7,795,882 people, the mortality was at the rate of 25 in 1000 annually. Thus, at least 7 in every 2.5 deaths which occur in towns are the result of artificial causes. The mortality in the quarter ending September 1851, was at the rate of 23 and 17.93 in 1000 in the two groups of districts ; it was a little below the average in the country, and considerably below the average in the towns. The annual rate of mortality per cent in all England was, on the average of ten summers, 2.099 ; in the summer quarter of 18,51 it was 2.020.


Notwithstanding the unparalleled influx of temporary residents during the three months of July, August, and September, 'London has enjoyed a de- gree of health above the average in the last summer quarter : 13,064 deaths were registered, which is a less number than was registered in the summer quarters of 1847 and 1848, and half the number (27,172) registered in the summer quarter of 1849, when cholera was epidemic." The South-eastern division has been leas healthy than last year • diarrhoea, typhus fever, and scarlatina, being prevalent. The South Midland division was generally healthy. Oxford suffered heavily ; Cambridge, on the other hand, was unusually healthy. In the Eastern and the South-western divi- sions the mortality was below the average ; in the West Midland and North Midland, the health was as good as usual. The North-western division constantly suffers more than the other divisions of England; but in this summer it is above its own average. The Registrar of the division says- " The improved health, and, it may be added, temper of the people of the district, may assuredly be ascribed to the cheapness of provisions, which are not only abundant but also of better quality, because the temptation to adulterate food is not so great." In Yorkshire, the mortality has been above the average ; and the same has been the case in the mining districts of South Wales.

Among the general social facts also noted, are these two. "The popula- tion is decreasing in Shiffnall, from emigration and want of employment in the agricultural. districts." "The increasing is quitting Colne in Burnley, in search of employment; and is Increasing in Blackburn, in consequence of the erection and enlargement of cotton-mills."

From official sources of information, the Registrar gives some data for a comparison of the increase of the population by the excess of births over deaths, with the decrease of the population by emigration.

" While 150,584 children were born and registered in the summer quarter, 91,600 persons died ; leaving an excess of 58,984 in the population. The excess of births over deaths in the first nine months of the present year has been 170,411; which is probably more than equivalent to the actual increase of the population." In the same quarter there left the ports of the United Kingdom at which there are Government emigration offices, 85,603 emi- grants. The emigration has hitherto been greater in 1851 than in the cor- reirponding quarters of 1850.

/Results of the Re g1. tray-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the week ending gd Saturday last.

of 1841-50.

of 1851.

Zymotic Diseases 2,354 .... 268 Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat, . 479 .... 37 Tubercular Diseases 1,634 .... 174 Diseases of the Brain, Spinal Marrow, Nerves, and Senses 4031 • • . . 126 Diseases of the Heart and Blood-vessels

43 Diseases of the Lungs, and of the other Organs of Respiration 1,376 .... 109 Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and other Organs of Digestion 579 .... 48 Diseases of the Kidneys, Au 100 .... 17 Childbirth, diseases of the Uterus, Au 118

5 Rheumatism, diseases of the Bones, Joints, &c 64

6 Diseases of the Skin, Cellular Tissue, &c.. 15

1 Malformations 21

4 Premature Birth 212

33 Atrophy 163

27 Age 482

43 Sudden 81

2 Violence, Privation, Cold, and Intemperance 200 • • • • 25

Total (including unspecified causes)



The Reverend W. Welden Champneys, Rector of Whitechapel, has been preferred to the vacant Canonry of St. Paul's.

Crawford the sculptor, whom the American Government has now engaged at Rome on a colossal group of equestrian statues, is claimed by an Irish journal as a native of Ballyshannon. His family still resides in that town, but his mother emigrated to America with the future sculptor when be was only three years old. Thus, among the eminent contemporary sculptors, Ireland claims as her own, M`Dowell, Foley, Hogan, Carew, Lawler, and Moore.—Dublin Letter.

The Naples correspondent of the Times writes, on the 19th October—" I am sorry to hear that the indulgence lately shown to M. Poerio has been stopped by a new officer appointed to the command of Ischia prison, and that though M. Poerio still remains in the infirmary his chains have been replaced."

We understand that Father Gavazzi has been advised to enter an action for libel against some Newcastle and Sunderland newspapers, which have published, as his portrait, impressions from old stock wood-cuts that they had on hand, of the criminals Archibald Belem and Patrick Forbes.—Shields Gazette.

Captain Priestley, of the Twenty-fifth King's Own Borderers, ordered into arrest for refusing to obey GeneralAitchison's order to "go and be damned," has been set at large.— United Service Gazette.

George Tyrrell, a pensioner of the Lancers, in his ninety-seventh year, has married, at Limerick, a woman of seventy. The happy couple had buried three partners a piece.

A Commission appointed by the Bishop of Ripon to make a preliminary in- quiry into the behaviour of the Reverend Stephen Mathews, the aged in- cumbent of St. Paul's, Hanging Heaton, have declared that sufficient has been proved before them to warrant a further investigation. The charge is, that Mr. Mathews seduced Mary Halliwell, a girl of sixteen, teacher in the parish-school : two attempts to affiliate a child upon the clergyman failed be- fore the Magistrates ; whose two decisions, however, created much excite- ment in the neighbourhood.

Joseph Nichols, a fine-looking seaman, has been committed for trial by the Southampton Magistrates, for the murder of Charles Phillips, a Black sailor, in the Bay of Monte Video, on the 21st July last. The crew of the Christina Murray had been drinking; at night there was a quarrel and scuffle; Ni- chols and Phillips struggled together, the Black was, stabbed twice, and he died in a few minutes it does not appear with what weapon he was stabbed.

Ten Weeks Week

George William Beadle, an elderly man, who has been poor-rate cialtetor for Ilford and Romford for twelve years, is a defaulter for a large sum—up- wards of 1000/, it is supposed. He was produced before the Ilford Magis- trates on Saturday, having informed against himself, and placed all his pro- perty in the hands of the Poor-law Commissioners. His solicitor pleaded that he was an unfortunate, not a bad man—his difficulties had arisen from er- rors in his accounts. He was admitted to bail.

A fortune-teller has met her deserts at the Southampton Quarter-Sessions. She not only duped the credulous, but incited a girl to rob her father. Mary Anne Blandford was in the habit of consulting the fortune-teller, Charlotte Morris : she wanted to go to London to see the Exhibition ; Morris asked her whether her father had any money, and when she found be had, di- rected her to make free with it. The girl took 51. or 6/. ; went again to consult the wise woman, and laid down 5s. as a fee ; Morris turned her back, and would not handle the money, as she could then say, with a clear con- science, that "she had never taken anything from her." Mary Anne's mo- tions had been watched; Morris's house was entered, and the five shillings were found to have been moved from where the girl placed them. The for- tune-teller was convicted of "feloniously and unlawfully receiving" the money. Sentence, fourteen years' transportation.

A porter has been killed on the South-eastern Railway, at Ileadeorn, by the bottom of a coal-truck falling out : the porter fell with the coals on the rails, and was crushed to death.

Mrs. Musgrove, the wife of the owner of a general shop at Pendleton, near Manchester, served a man in the evening with powder from a cask ; he had scarcely left the shop before the contents of the cask exploded, two more tubs were fired, and the house was a heap of ruins. Mrs. Musgrove and her two children were taken out alive, but the mother has since died.