1 NOVEMBER 1851, Page 7

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FXANez.—The last effiarts of lit Billault proved: as fruitless• as his testi and second' endeavours. On Saturday he threw up his mission finally >. and it became matter of general report that the cause of his failure was the distrust. of hirnsPlf 'personally which all fraotionri of the Moderate parts' entertained " They did not think his name afferdedsuffitiont,gararanteert 'of order." Yet M. Billault is the same man. whom. the Moderates were last year glad to adopt as their candidate in theseleetions of the Saonesets, Loire, against, the candidates of the Mountain. The increasing esigeneys ' of the reactionary party is signifwantly marked by their present rejestion: of M. Billault.

, On Saturday evening it was supposed that the Cabinet crisis would be. indefinitely-prolonged by the failure of M. Billault ; but on Monday; greatly to the surprise of' all Paris, the Xoniteur appeared with the com- plete-list of a new Ministry. Interior—M. nburee de Thorigny, formerly Advocate-General of the Court of Appeal at Paris, in the room of M. Lion Faucher. Foreign Affairs—It Turgot, ex-Peer of France, in the room of M. Baroehe. War—General of Division Lo Roy do St. Arnaud, Commander of the Second Division of the Army of Paris,. in the room of General Hendon. Marine—M. Hippolyte Fortoul, member of the National Assembly, in the

room of M de Chasseloup-Laubat. Finance—M Mendel, Inspector-General of Finance, in the room of: lot; Achille Fould. M. Target, Minister of Foreign Affairs, is charged with.the Finances: in the absence of. M. Blondel.

Agriculture and-Commerce—M. Xavier de Casablanca, member of the Na- tional Assembly, in. the room of M. Buffet.

Public Works—M. Lacrosse, member and Vice-President of the National Assembly, in the room of M. Magne.

Public Instruction and Worship—M. Charles Giraud, member of the In- stitute, in the room of M. Dombideau de Crouseilhes.

Justice—M. Corbin, Proeureur-General of the Court of Appeal of Bourges, in. the room of M. Rouhen M. C.. Giraud performs the fuuetwns of Minister of Jrustieein the absence of;M. Corbin.

Dis de Marmite, Prefect, of the Haute-Garonne, is appointed Prefect of Police, in the room. of M. Carlier.

Of this Cabinet only three members have seats in. the Assembly:

Thorigny, the Minister of the Interior, was formerly a Legitimist but he became Advocate-General of the Paris Court of Appeal, under Louis Philippe. After the revolution of 1848, he resumed his original practice at the Lyons bar. He is described as a' man' of the-highest pub- lic and-private integrity-,. and it is said that he has shown so much energy, against the Revolutionary party-as to being. on himself the especial ani.. mosity.of that party. M'. Turgot, Ministerof Foreign Affairs; is a descendant of the great Minister of Finance under Louis the Sixteenth. As to liis abilities there is discrepancy in the accounts. The correspondent of the Daily Hite* says he was one of the ineapacitiis ; the correspondent of the Tileavia: content- to. say that he is a man of immense wealth, and a strict partisan, or orders: while the correspondent of the Globe- declares him, "to:stead,

very- high- as a man. of intelligence and- acquirements." . General St. Arnaud, Minister of War, is the latest imported of' the African Generals.: a suocessful leader in a late expedition ; a, good. soldier ; but a. doubtful statesman.

31-Fortoul, Minister of Marine, has- been a distinguished literary ohms meter ; beginning- life as a. St. Simonise. and a Radical writer. on admires istration, and becoming, Conservative on being made a Profess= of Litess rature at Aix. He can know little of ships.

ht. Blondel, Minister. of Finance, is "a practical: man" : he was, re-, commended, by his predecessor,- IrL Anhillit.FouhL. He is new. abssent ext. a,speeial mission: is Corsica-- where; its maybe, mentioned;, some High Austrian and other German functionaries are now also saidao: be staying on similar " special missions." M. FortouLissarleyoted Ilonapartiat.,

M...Casabianea, Minister of Agriculture and Commerce, is an able law- yer; a Corsioan by birth;, and one-of Louis Napolecnis most confid,ential: advisers—aninfluentitd. member of his " entenraem," or personal clique,

Lacrosse,, Minister of Public. Works, is another personal retainer of the President: lie is notss new Milliliter, having, been a member of the President's first Barret Ministry. He is a son of the.Adnairal Lacrosse- of. the Empire,, and himself saw service before and at Waterloo. It was lie who. in tlie.old Chamber of Deputies carried against M,Guisot; on the rupture of the enteute cordiale by the Pritchard (lair, a Makin for add- ieg,ninety-three millions of francs to the budget of Marine. M. Giretud, the Minister of- Instruction and Worship, held the. Nue post in the provisional Cabinet which followed the Bereehe Ministry. He is a.wealthy Conservative, and a member of the Institute.. Hie, is not the M. Augustin Giraud at first consultedby the President on the, formation of a Ministry. M. Corbin, Minister of 'Justice,. is. all energetic and cisumgeous Reac- tionary. As a whole, the Cabinet is more oompletely a Ministry of Louis Napokorfa personal partisans, than the has over yet ventured to instal. Among the organs of the press, the: Conetitutionnel, La Prase, La Petrie, and. the Gazette de Prance,. are tim only newspapers of mark that can find any favourable words for the new Ministry. The Journal des, .7)dbats says, "- We See that there is a, Cabinet,, but wo do,- nut.. see that., there is, a policy..." The Opinion Publioue,. and. Orders, or- gans of. the Moderates, regard the, Ministry as a defiance : but eti4 they. comfort themselves- that a aisles which might have had a disass Mous end, has only had a:ridiculous one. But La.Patrie, 31, organ, breathes patience to the Majority, and eongratriletes that party that all the new names are drawn frem.the party of Order. The Legi- timist print the Union says, the new Cabinet is weakness and hypoerray impersonated by men individually heningable; at once a deference to the party of Order, and an attempt to deceive it which will not euesSeed. The S'iacia anti.the Arafiao4 °Mane-of tile SsePeNie a party, 4014Sr° tribe Ministry to be.e, collectien of nellities_ destined to mask pe,reonal paliety. La Freese, M. Girardirea voice, is enough pleased, rsimply that the Cabine is the removal of M,. Ba,reelle. 44 1,4 Fanelre,r, the alit er and TeTh4ter of the law of May 31.

These various indications of opinion show, that the general impression. was one of contempt, and the general attitude one of distrust and very moderate expectancy.

Pt is. considered that De: Wean, has both defied the oontempt and, anti- cipated. the expectancy, by an article in the Conatitutionnel,. is laid. he announces the projeet of an immediate appeal to the, country *intim Presidential election, and then a direct onslaught on. the" Constitutions, Per its revision by the-present Assembly. I The Presidents message "will cause to pass,, as it were, in review before us that numerous, and powerful demagogical army which threatens France and' Europe. Between the National Assembly, which refuses- the revision, and the two millions of petitioners and the eighty Councils-General which demand it, there is a natural and sovereign arbitrator—the country. The President of the Republic, opening of his own will the arena to all pre- tenders, demands an immediate appeal to this arbitrator. Is it not more wise to put an end in the month of November, before the claims of all kinds which become due at the end of the year, to the fever of uneasiness which will prevail in the public mind, than to wait on a bed of agony for the crisis of 1862? If, in this election, approved by the prudence of the National As- sembly, accomplished under the most absolute universal suffrage, and when it will be allowed to vote for every one, Louis Napoleon Bonaparte a second time obtains a majority, of votes, he will appeal to the wisdom of the present representatives to modify the Constitution. Let any sensible man be applied to : will the country, in the midst of the dangers which increase every day, incur the risk of being submerged under the tumultuous waves of the elec- tion of a Constituent, and would it not be threatened with destruction under the storms which would take place during the arduous and tumultuous labours of this new Assembly ? ' But the Petrie has since said—" We are authorized to declare that the President of the Republic has not yet begun to draw up his message." This contradiction of the Constitutionnel has produced an article of angry ill-temper from Dr. Veron, but no reaffirmation of his statements. It is stated that a draft of a message had been drawn up and shown both to the editor of the Constitutionnel and to M. Girardin ; but as the publica- tion of its main features by Dr. Veron had alarmed the Moderate party, and the commercial public—to such a degree as to lower the funds a half per cent—the original draft has been burnt, with the intention to prepare an entirely new document.

Seene.—The concordat with the Pope, lately concluded, has been so carefully withheld that doubts of its existence were insinuated ; the docu- ment has therefore been published in Madrid. Its retrogressive spirit has provoked an outburst of criticism, betokening that its complete execution will be full of difficulty and danger. It declares that the Roman Catholic Apostolic religion "shall rule and dominate exclusively, as of yore, in the whole kingdom of Spain, so that the calamities of the times shall cause no detriment to it, and all other faith be excluded "; it gives those of the sacred office power to "remove all difficulties and obstacles "; it promises a new division of dioceses, and hints—in the words " we trust to behold things restored to their primitive state "—at the restitution of the re- ligious orders • it ordains the sale of deteriorated Church property ; and, " in compliance with the prayers of our beloved daughter the Catholic Queen of Spain, that we do have a care for the tranquillity of her king- dom, which would be endangered if an attempt were made to recover the property of the Church already disposed of,' it decrees that completed purchases and present holders of such property shall not be disturbed. In reference to the hint of restoring the regular orders, especially, the tone of the journals is so hostile and bitter as to imply, that if the thing be at- tempted it may cause a total sweeping away of all remaining Catholic in- stitutions.

Ansvara.—The Emperor was at Tarnpol on the 21st October, and was proceeding thence into the Bukovina. But on the 25th, it was re- ported at Vienna that he would be home "in a day or two" ; the jour- ney into Galicia being, for some unstated cause, about to close as abruptly as that into Lombardy. The Austrian Soldier's Friend, a military jour- nal noted for good information on army matters, but not an official jour- nal, has published what it calls an Imperial Resolution, dated Cracow, the 12th October, for the reduction of the army. The reductions are set out in very specific detail, and the correspondent of the Daily News roughly estimates their amount at 80,000 out of the 600,000 men of the Austrian army at present enrolled on the armed-peace footing.

INDIA.—The overland mail which left Bombay on the 3d October has arrived in London. The only point of any political interest in the news is, that the occupation of Herat by the Persian troops, or by the Birdies of Candahar, had not taken place. It was thought most likely that the son of Yar Mahomed, the late Khan, would quietly succeed to his father's government.

SOUTH Austaame —Papers from Adelaide to the 12th July have been received. The elections for the new Legislature had been in full swing, and had not quite terminated. They had much turned on the question of grant or no grant in aid of religion ; and one of the latest journals records with pleasure the election of "three more members in the Anti-State- Church interest."

The Metropolitan of Australia, the Bishop of Sydney, had declared in favour of the principles of the Anti-Transportation League, in a letter to the Secretary of the New South Wales branch of that society.