1 NOVEMBER 1902, Page 12


The Boer Fight for Freedom. By Michael Devitt. (Funk and Wagnalls. 6s. net.)—The value of Mr. Davitt's rather incoherent and hysterical narrative of the South African War from the Boer side is decidedly discounted by the fact that peace was pro- claimed almost synchronously with its publication, and that the Boers themselves are much better contented with that fact than Mr. Devitt would have them. The book seems to be honest, though strongly coloured by Mr. Davitt's well-known prejudices, and may be read with some amusement, as when it incidentally tells us that the "Irish Brigade" commanded by the notorious "Colonel" Arthur Lynch contained "representatives of every European country, with one or two Americans" ; even Ireland was represented in its ranks. We also note that Mr. Devitt assures us that the release of Lord Methuen by General Delarey "created a painful impression among the friends of the Boer cause everywhere." Mr. Devitt ought to know, but we had not thought so badly of the Boers' friends.