1 NOVEMBER 1902, Page 7

All for Number One. By Henry Johnson. (R.T.S. 2s. ed.)—

" Charlie Russell's Ups and Downs" are told with simplicity. There is no attempt at fine writing, and the moralising is not obtrusive. The nouveau riche is a conventional figure ; his wealth comes, and certainly goes, in a fashion that belongs to fiction rather than to fact. Otherwise the story is natural enough.—Mary Marston's Mission, by A. Fraser Robertson (same publishers, ls. 6d.), is a well-written book, and inspired with genuine feeling. We do not quite see for whom it is meant, or, rather, we see, but doubt whether it will reach the hands of the right people. It is certainly not meant for boys and girls.—Aneo2's Motto. By B. E. Slade. (Same publishers. Is. 6d.)—There is some merit in this story. The dialogue strikes us as being somewhat formal, but there is interest in the story and a certain reality about the characters.