1 NOVEMBER 1913, Page 17

A Ministerial crisis in Spain had been anticipated for some

time, and the internal difficulties of the Liberal Party culminated last Saturday in the defeat of the Government in the Senate. Count Romanones at once resigned office, and Senor Dato, one of the Conservative leaders, was given the

task of forming a Ministry. The new Cabinet seems to have been exceptionally well received in Spain. When it first became obvious some days ago that a Conservative Govern- ment was inevitable, there was great indignation among the Republicans, and Sefior Lerroux, their leader, summoned a meeting to be held in Barcelona to threaten riot and revolution if Selior lelaura, under whom Ferrer was executed, returned to office. Now, however, that it has become known that Senor Manta is not included in the new Cabinet, it is announced that the Republicans will not proceed to extreme measures, and the protest meeting has been cancelled. We may add that the new Ministry has been equally well received in France, for Senor Dato has given it to be understood that he intends to continue the foreign policy of his predecessor.