1 NOVEMBER 1913, Page 19

Mr. Lloyd George's Bedford speech prompted Mr. R. E. Prothero,

the agent of the Duke of Bedford, to suggest in the Morning Post of October 17th that the Chancellor of the Exchequer should offer the Duke of Sutherland £2 an acre for 200,000 acres of his Highland property, adding, "He will jump at it." The Duke of Sutherland, in a letter to the Daily Mail of last Monday confirmed Mr. Prothero's view, and announced that he would gladly sell 200,000 acres of land, or more, now under deer, to the Government for £'2 an acre. "This," he went on, "is cheaper than land can be bought in any of the countries named by Mr. Lloyd George, and is hardly above the price of prairie land in Canada." Wednesday's papers stated that the proposal has now received the serious consideration of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, who had invited the Duke to lay his offer before him officially, with a view to its being considered by the Government.