1 NOVEMBER 1913, Page 19

Saturday's papers announced that Lord Sydenham had accepted the offer

of the chairmanship of the Royal Com- mission on Venereal Disease, which was promised by the Prime Minister on August 11th. The Government are to be congratulated on their choice. Lord Sydenham has served his country in a variety of highly important posts with dis- interested zeal and conspicuous ability. The Commission will also include Sir D. Bryntuor Jones, K.C., the Chairman of the Welsh Parliamentary Party, who has had extensive experience on commissions ; Mr. Philip Suowden, the Socialist member for Blackburn, perhaps the most independent member of the Labour Party ; Sir Kenelm Digby, formerly Permanent Under-Secretary at the Home Office ; Sir Malcolm Morris, Sir John Collie, Mr. Arthur Newsholme, Mr. James Ernest Lane, and Mr. F. W. Mott, representing the medical profession; Canon Horsley and the Rev. J. Scott Lidgett ; Mrs. Creighton, Mrs. Burgwin, and Mrs. Scharlieb, M.D.