1 NOVEMBER 1940, Page 3

The Week in Parliament

Our Parliamentary correspondent writes: Although debates have recently been held on the health and food of the nation, little interest was created and few Members were present. It is difficult to give reality to a debate when it is barely reported and is unlikely to have a material influence on policy. With an inevitable all-party Government in war-time, opposition ceases to exist. Discussions are one stage removed from the Chamber and therefore from the public, because the real skirmishes take place within Party meetings. One knows of such disputes by hearsay and often in garbled language. Mr. Hore Belisha's intervention in the debate on prolonging Parliament excited little interest among the few Members present, even though his speech was carefully framed. It is not easy to see a remedy for this situation. There must be frank and fearless, if restrained, criticism, otherwise Parliament abdicates.