1 NOVEMBER 1946, Page 17


Stit,—With regard to the Trades Union Congress' recent descision to work towards a fourty hour week it might be interesting to take into considera- tion the ammount of work done by an advanced schoolboy. Taking myself as an example I get up at about 7.15, have my breakfast and then after an hour's travelling reach school. There I work almost incessantly from 9.3o till 43o, for work has to be fitted even into the lunch hour. Then, after another how's travelling I arrive home, when, after a meal I have to set down and do three hours work before I am able to go to bed,

absolutely tired out. Over the weekend relaxation is impossible on any large scale, for a great deal of work has to be put in if I can hope to keep up with my syllabus. Even in the holidays, which are absolutely essential if we are not to break down, a large ammount of reading has to be done. Thus might I suggest that the British workman takes his example from some of the more hard working schoolboys and work for a sound basis for the country's economy before attempting to build the superstructure

of extra pay for fewer hours.—Yours truly, SCHOOLBOY.