1 NOVEMBER 1946, Page 5

Past references to that notorious institution, the University of Sulgrave,

are responsible for bringing to my desk from time to time particulars of other singular adventures in the university world. The latest is the Edinburgh Theological Hall, with a registrar resid- ing at Glasgow, and affiliated, not, rather strangely, to either of the historic universities domiciled in those two cities, but to the London College of Theology (University of North Madras). Through this attractive co-operative effort, linking north and south, east and west, diploma courses for ministers and laymen by postal tuition have been instituted by a staff of " Tutors and Examiners for Degrees in Scotland in Divinity, Arts, Literature and Philosophy." Who confers the degrees, or the diplomas, as the case may be, is not indi- cated. A little light on this would be welcome.

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