1 NOVEMBER 1957, Page 10

be *pettator

NOVEMBER 3, 1832

ECONOMY is one of the chief duties of a State, as well as of an individual. It is not only a great virtue in itself, but it is the parent of many others. It preserves men and nations from the commission of crime al d the endurance of misery. The man that lives within his income, can be just, humane, charitable, al d independent. He who lives beyond it becomes, almost necessarily, rapacious, selfish, mean, faithless, co temptible. The economist is easy and comfortable; the prodigal harassed with debts, and unable . 0 obtain the necessary means of life. So it is WI h nations. National character, as well as national hap' piness, has, from the beginning of the world to .tl present day, been sacrificed on the altar of profusion.