1 OCTOBER 1842, Page 12

The Adelphi season has commenced unpropitiously. The house looked bright

and clean, and was well filled ; the old familiar faces were greeted on the stage, and two or three new ones; but the spirit that animated the whole—the genius loci was wanting. Poor YATES was not at hand to quicken the flagging pace of the scene, to stimulate the activity of the performers, and, not least needful influence on this occa- sion, to hold the house in awe—to allay rising discontent and repress rampant hostility : though we doubt if even YATES'S powers of per- suasion could have prevailed upon people to tolerate such a chaos of absurdities as the FITZBALL melodrama of the Owl Sisters. Miss Fauctx, as the owled Lady Abbess of a convent of naughty nuns trans- formed to owls, had a drowsy part to play in this dull and disjointed day-dream ; and not all her energy, aided by LYON'S loudness and vehemence, could awake the attention of the audience. 0. Su= looked diabolically picturesque as Gipsy Dalian; and after being shot jumped up and pitched the shooter out of a top-story window, following himself; but all in vain. The only bit of the piece was a song with the burden of "Frightful, spiteful bachelor "—a quaint and tripping melody by RODWELL, sang with great gusto by Mrs. GRA'FTAN; which was twice encored, owing partly to a queer rhyme with "bachelor," which tickled the folks' fancy mightily. The owls were fairly hooted down ; and they must be banished altogether, or the Adelphi will be left to them and the rats: nonsense will not do now—at least not stupid stuff like this.