1 OCTOBER 1842, Page 2

Ireland exhibits a most anomalous spectacle—professed " Libe- rals "

rejoicing in the success of Ultra Tories and Orangemen I Mr. SMITH, the new Solicitor-General, has been withdrawn from the contest for the Dublin University : the fight has been waged out of sight, in the committee-rooms of the two candidates, and Mr. HAMILTON, the Tory, has beaten Mr. SMITH, the Ministerial candidate ; that is, Mr. HAMILTON is better suited to the electors of the University, who have besides a pleasure in crossing Sir ROBERT Thaw, and Lord ELIOT, for refusing to withdraw the grant to May- nooth College. The Liberals sustain a positive loss, since Mr. HAMILTON is unquestionably worse than Mr. SMITH in their esti- mation; yet they seem to think they have gained something by the Orange victory—what, they could hardly tell. Government have for the present lost the seat for their Irish Solicitor-General; and if their career were to be performed in Ireland alone, the reverse might be serious. Possibly it may do them as much good in Eng- land as harm in Ireland. If the event means any thing, it shows more clearly than ever that Sir ROBERT PEEL'S is not a " Tory" Government. Nowhere does the Tory party remain in greater purity than in that ruder province ; and now we see an open and unqualified antagonism between the Irish Tory party and the Administration of PEEL.