1 OCTOBER 1853, Page 8


. STOOL EXpaUjatill:42.1:DAT ATTra.NOON.

The various Stock Markets early in the week exhibited symptoms of a renewal of the panic which prevailed on Pefuieltif last, when it was stated that the English and French fleets had been ordered to Constantinople; and although the Funds rallied nearly 1 per cent at,the:oprinedtos Monday, upon the explanation that only two ships from amok fleet had heee ,demaitoheji for the protection of foreign residents in the Turkish-cepitale Concelkeuh* quently declined to 911 I, owing to large speculative-assi■otherreakie,,inc. eluding one for the Savings-Banks. A further rise of 3e, intleeCeetirnierfet had also great influence. A continuation of sales caused EL deqlinti 94 Tues- day to 901; from which there was only a trilling reaction. Thasemdleceften have a greater effect until the facts transpire upon which theyAmbar4, owing to the important matters now engrossing public" *Una410,14,a political, commercial, and financial nature. With regard to _the,,Iiitt4 it has been occasionally rumoured that the Government have bva selling Stock to provide for the dissentients to the conversion vt:,Setilli Sea Annuities ; and that a new loan may be necessary.. to eimiplak the arrangement. On Wednesday, ;upon some purchases on behalf a( Ala public, the Funds rallied about lt ; Consols then closed at 921. Yesterday, considerable excitement prevailed : Consols opened at 92; but the tone ef the Turkish news being regarded as rather more pacific, they advaaced ra- pidly to 931, and would probably have been higher, had not a sudden chew& been given by the Bank of England raising the rate of discount to 5 per cent; which caused the Funds to fall rather more than 1, with only a slight Subsequent rally. This proceeding on the part of the Bank was not alto- gether expected; the great depression in the Funds, and ether omens, having had the salutary effect of checking excess of speculative shipments of maim- factored goods. It is expected that the revenue returns for the quarter ending on the 10th of October will show a large increase. Today the .k openea rather lower, and Consols were done at 92-1 : they subsequently rose. 1 per cent, owing to purchases by parties who had sold for the fatal and after several intermediate fluctuations, close officially at 93f fr, and: after regular hours at 93f . Exchequer Bills have this week been done at 17 Miscount;

they are now 13 8 discount. India Stock has fallen 5, ; ••

Foreign Stocks, influenced by the state of Consols, exhibitedatsueli‘depres- sion until Wednesday, when a favourable reaction occurred; butOcompamd with last week, there is still a decline in smile securities, to, thafellowing extent—Danish Five per Cents, Buenos Ayres, and Veneztiels,a3larfakeediali, 2; Brazilian, Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents, and Belgiana4, Meknes, I. The improvement has been—Peruvian Four-and-a-half iseriCents,,411; Ditto Deferred, and Sardinian, 2; Austrian Dutch TwO-andAvlosilf per Cents, and Russian Five per Cents, 1; Spanish Three per Cents,-and-Deferred;4,- Railways, early in the week, suffered from extensive salei;:widohiuusym- pathy with other markets caused heaviness, but without material :depression. On Wednesday they rallied, in some cases from 21; to,-31:peraharepoWing partly to preparations for settlement of the account, which took /place yeeter- day, when a scarcity of stock was experienced 'this; 'befort,the:Bienli decision, had raised London and North-western to '104f, and :Midland to 60f. Subsequently, these and other lending lines beoarne! flutter; at the close there was still an improvement, compared withiestfiaterdiy, to the following extent—York and North Midland, 4/. 10.8;.;:ilitidlind, 3/. 15s.; London and North-western, 3/. 108. ; Oxford, Worcesterd'and-,Wed- yerhampton, 31.; Great Northern, South-eastern, and York, Noweastle, and Berwick, 2/. 108.; Caledonian, Great Western, London and Soialwestern, and Norfolk, 2/. ; East Lancashire, Lancashire and Yorkshire,' London, Brighton, and South Coast., and North British, 11. 'Lanidastet.Midedirliste have declined 21. In Foreign Shares the advance has been--4arirend-01, leans, 21.; Northern of France, Paris and Lyons, and Paris winIStradboorg, 10*.; Great Central of France, 5s. Western of France had;estialitielliii., and Grand Junction of France 5s. Today there has been greatliiilancyln the Share Market : the leading English lines have advanced2en:ifilt.ese, instances, and Foreign about 158.

AreaDAY, TWaLlit■ arCLOOL • The English Funds are at prices which they reached afteetregularlmos

yesterday, although they opened lower : Consols are now 984 for Money and Account. Exchequer Bills 13 8 discount. The bullion' return- tribe Bank of England shows a decrease of 181,6151. compared with last week.i In Foreign Stocks there is nothing doing. Railways are rather lower; the-bar- gains at present recorded are in the following—Bristol and.Emeter,-,91; tale- donian, 50k; Eastern Counties, 12; Blackwell, 71 ; Great Western, 81; London and North-western, 1031; Midland, 59k; South-eastern, 591.

3 per Ceat Consols Danish' S per -tenni 3 per Cent Reduced shut Dutch 24 per Cents 863..54ex d. Ditto for Account 93t 34 per Cents shut Ditto 4 per Cents.. .....95x Mexican 3 ,per'Conts

shut Peruvian-41 per Cents

Long Annuities hank Stock 4• fi shut Ditto Deferred11 per Cents .4119,414115-

Exchequer Bills

India Stock 13 8 die. Portuguese-4 per Cents,6..imis 424. 241 6 Russian b per Cents

Austrian 5 per Cents 947 Ditto 411 per C4114 •,91:t Brazilian 5 per Cents 97 9 ex d. Spanish 3 per,Pepte 8-tffqt

,,.5 t -

per Cents Ditt6 Deferred ' Belgian 44 per Cents 97 9 99 101 ex d. Sardinian

Danish 5 per Cents 101 3 5-per C:e.tiis71, Chili= 6 44 ;Nit7/3111

Swedish per Cents '91.116h