1 OCTOBER 1904, Page 29

[To THY EDITOR OP THE "SpEcr.croa.-] STR,—Allow me, as an

Irishman, a Unionist, and a Con- servative, to thank you warmly for your article on the above subject in last week's Spectator. I remember that some time since both Mr. Balfour and Mr. Chamberlain pledged them- selves to bring in a Bill on this subject, and to do justice to England. I, for one, have quite made up my mind not to vote for a Ministerialist at the next General Election unless the Government legislate on this matter ; and if some thousands of other Unionists and Conservatives adopt the same course, and let their decision be known, Mr. Balfour

would be compelled to act.—I am, Sir, &c., L U. C.