1 OCTOBER 1932, Page 6

Mr. E. F. Wise, I suppose, is the leading spirit

in the Socialist League, which is to burgeon into life on Sunday. If it gathers in, as it no doubt will, the malcontents who seceded from the I.L.P. because they objected to the I.L.P.'s secession from the Labour Party, it will pretty definitely overshadow Mr. Maxton and the faithful who remain with him in the original fold. The Socialist Leaguers are no doubt right in thinking they can exercise more influence inside the. Labour Party than outside it, and they have wisely decided not to try and run their own candidates at elections, a privilege which could not be denied the I.L.P., since it came into the field before the Labour Party itself, but would certainly not be accorded to any new body. Amalgamated as it will be, or already is, with Mr. G. D. H. Cole's Society. for Socialist Inquiry and Propaganda, commonly known as. Zip, the, Socialist League will steadily administer to the Labour Party ginger from within, till it has taught it to, say " Socialism in our time " quite fluently.

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