1 SEPTEMBER 1832, Page 2

The official bulletin of Admiral SARTORI (JS'S skirmish with the

fleet of Minuet. has been published. It does not state the facts differently from the unofficial accounts. Great exertions are mak- iog to increase SARTORIUS'S force. A French Indiaman of 1,200 tons, fitted as a sixty-four, has been purchased ; and the most recent accounts describe it as already having formed a junction, at Oporto, with the Liberal squadron. Three of the richest houses of Bordeaux have, it is said, offered to supply three corvettes, of 32 long eighteen-pounders and 140 men each, and to take the prizes that the fleet have captured, in payment. Five thousand muskets have been shipped from England for Oporto, and similar shipments of military stores are making at various Continental ports. A number of Polish cavalry, to be mounted on English horses—the best men and the best cattle in the world—are being inlisted in France. A private letter of Admiral SARTORIUS men- tions a diversion in favour of PEDRO in the Algarves • and instead of the army of MIGUEL attempting to attack Oporto, they have retired beyond the Voug,a.