1 SEPTEMBER 1838, Page 19

Several new editions of respectable works are also on our

table; among which, these two may he specially noted —

1. The Sixth Volume of Mr. MURRAY'S edition of the Decline and Fall. The map of Europe towards the end of the fifth century marks at a glance the fall of the Western Empire, by the names which distinguish its territorial divisions. Spain and Gaul, fur instance, ceasing to be provinces, have become the kingdoms of the Visigoths and Salian Flanks; and even Italy herself is me- tamorphosed into the kingdom of the Ostrogoths. 2. Mr. TAIT'S Fifth Part of the popular edition of the 'Forks of Jeremy Bentham. Excepting " Odicial Aptitude Maximized, Expense Minimized," (a most desirable object,) the works in the present part relate to Legal reform.