1 SEPTEMBER 1883, Page 3

The military rising in Spain seems to have blown over

with- out much result, and the King, who has just been on a tour of inspection to the various disaffected garrisons, has been, it is given out, very well received. But Sefior Sagest°, will almost certainly have to modify his Cabinet, in consequence of the shock which this series of small detonations has given to the prestige .of the Government ; and it. is said that Senor Campos, the Minister at War, who was taken into the Government in spite of his Conservative leanings, rather on account of the confidence felt by the Sing in him BS a disciplinarian, will have to go. The Spanish Government are complaining to the French .Government that Ruiz Zorrilla is permitted to hatch plots in Frame against the government of a friendly neighbour, and France has not yet formulated her reply, but the Government fully feel their responsibility, and if it appears that Ruiz Zorrilla is still in France, he in, it is said, to be ordered away by the sGovernment.