1 SEPTEMBER 1888, Page 3

The Lord Mayor of London, Mr. Polydore De Keyser, a

Belgian by birth, has been visiting his native town of Termonde, in state, and accompanied by the Sheriffs. The welcome given him by his old townsmen has been quite royal, a most imposing series of civic pageants being arranged for the reception. The chief of these seems to have been a great procession, in which were drawn all manner of cars and chariots adorned with banners and emblematic devices. The great attraction of the procession was, however, the colossal wooden horse Bayard,' moved from inside by twenty men, which appears to be regarded as the palladium of the town. The day of the reception ended with banquettings and illu- minations, and altogether Europe received yet another proof that the Lord Mayor is among the greatest of the earth. As yet the shadow of the Chairman of the London County Council seems in no way to disturb the Lord Mayor's peace. Neither he nor the Sheriffs showed any inclination to treat Belgium to the greeting, Morituri to salutamus !