1 SEPTEMBER 1894, Page 1

However, as it was, the election was fought on lines

less favourable to the Leicester majority than the two single elections would have been fought. Indeed, Mr. Hazell, the less popular Radical, got in by a very narrow majority of 217, instead of the big majority, hardly below 4,000, which Mr. McArthur, the second Gladstonian candidate, obtained in 1886 (in 1892 there was no contest). The result of the poll was as follows :- Mr. Broadhurst (U.).. 9,464 I Mr. Rolleston (C.) ... 6,967 Mr. Hazen (G.) 7,184 Mr. Burgess (Labour) 4,402 There was a good deal of cross-voting. But bad Mr. Rolleston got in, he would certainly have got in as a consequence of the special procedure adopted. He would have had no chance in either of the two single-seat ileetions.