1 SEPTEMBER 1900, Page 16



SID,—One of your correspondents seems to have misunder- stood my remarks in my last letter with regard to the superiority of the long range over the Morris tube range, and

I shall be obliged if you will allow me to justify myself if possible. In the county in which I resided at the time that rifle clubs began to be discussed, there was much interest in the matter, and a benevolent nobleman started a rifle club, but his range was further from my abode than the Volunteer range.

I interviewed the Colonel of the Volunteer regiment and found that I could become an hon. member of the Volunteer regiment by a yearly payment of one guinea, with free use of a Service rifle and the charge of is. 3d. for every ten rounds of ammuni- tion. I naturally wished others to know of the privileges that might thus be obtained, and nothing was further from my mind than to disparage rifle clubs. But 1 take it that any member of a rifle club would be glad to try his skill on a long range if he were able to do so, in spite of the odious presence of the insufferable person whom one of your able correspondents terms a "self-elected Volunteer." I admit that I am only a theorist, but even a "self-elected Volunteer" should be able to distinguish one end of his rifle from the other, unless overcome by the heat of the weather. —I am, Sir,

E. Unwiek,

Hon. Member Royal Subsea Regiment.

P.9.—As a supplement to the above I send you the rules for hon. members in the Royal Sussex Regiment.


RULES for and PRIVILEGES of HONORARY MEMBERS of the Battalion who Subscribe not less than £1 18. per Annum to the General Funds of the Battalion.

(I) Hon. Members may attend Plain Clothes Drill when approved by the Com- manding Officer and are permitted to wear the Uniform ol Privates of the Corps (to be provided at their own expense), with the addition of the letter IL on the shoulder straps.

(2) An Hon. Member Is entitled, with the written permission of the Command. Ins Officer, to use the Rifle Range on days ana times when it is not required for Corps purposes., or is not let or granted to other Battalions or units of her Majesty's Forces, or to any Rifle Association for practice. The Range Is situated at Mile Oak, Portaiade, and the Range Hut is on the road just beyond the Waterworks.

(3) Previous to the permission in paragraph 2 being grantee, the Commanding Officer must be satisfied that the Hon. Member is sufficiently trained in the use or the Rifle to justify the permission being given, and this permission may be with- drawn at any time by the Commanding Officer for any reason he may think sufficient.

(4) Hon. Members must make their own arrangements as to providing Markers, and must provide their own Ammunition, which, however. may be purchased at the Range Hut, at the price of Is. 3d. for 10 Rounds,

(5) For the present lion. Members may use, tree 01 charge. Rifles kept rip at the Range, but they will be personally responsible to the Commanding Officer for their safe custody and for any damage to them. Under no consideration is any Rifle to be removed from the Range.

(6) Hon. Members may use their own Rifles (provided they lire *303 Ball Ammu- nition) and leave them at their own risk at the Range, but if they wish them kept clean they must make their own arrangements with the Marker.

(1) All Subscriptions are due on the 1st January in each year. An Hon. Member must produce his Ticket of Membership to an officer,any member of the Permanent Staff, or to the Marker or Attendant at the Huy whenever called upon, and is not entitled to any of the privileges as an Hon. Member until his Subscription is paid, (8) The Commanding Officer reserves the right to close any Ranges or Targets from time to time as he may think proper.

(9) Hon. Members must be most particular that they observe and obey all order3 laid down from time to time for working the Range, as the safety not only of them- selves but of others may be imperilled by disregard or disobedience of such orders.

(10) Persons desirous of becoming Hon. Members may apply In writing to The Hon. Secretary, 1st Vol Battalion Royal Sussex Regiment, Headquarters, Church Street, Brighton.

Each application will then be considered and the applicant informed in duecourse whether he is admitted or not.

(11) These Rules will be subject to variation from time to time, but any altera- tions made during any year will be posted at Headquarters and at the Range.

KB.—The Range is almost Invariably occupied for Battalion Class Firing on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday afternoons.

Hon. Members may join the Battalion Shooting Club, and for particulars should apply to the Secretary, Sergi. BUTCHER. at Headquarters.

[The system of honorary membership is excellent. and we hope it will be widely extended; but a guinea is an impossible subscription for the major part of the population. Would it not be possible to reduce it. at any rate in the case of proved marksmen ? Or why should not the battalion offer free honorary memberships as prizes to men who could reach a certain standard of shooting ? That would be a great en- couragement to the members of rifle clubs.—ED. Spectator.]