1 SEPTEMBER 1900, Page 25

MISCELLANEOUS.—The Fauna of South Africa (R. H. Porter) is an

important work in process of appearing under the editor- ship of Mr. W. L. Sclater, who bears a name well known in the province of zoology. The editor contributes "The Mammals" two volumes (.41 105.), of which the first is now before us, dealing • with the _Primates (the thorny subject of South African hominidae is omitted), Carnivore, and Ungulate. Another section is concerned with " Birds?' This was in course of preparation by Dr. Stark. whose death at Ladysmith has necessitated tlie.postponement ot the second volume. It is well illustrated, and promises to fill up satisfactorily a great gap in the natural history of the Old World. —7 he Text Book of Zoology. By Dr. Otto Sehmeil. 'Translated from the German by Rudolph Rosenstock, M.A., and edited by J. T. Cunningham, M.A. VoL II. (A. and C. Black. - 3s. 6d.)— Tbis seoond volume deals with" Birds, Reptiles, Fishes." It is well and copiously illustrated, and is a desirable addition to th* educational literature of this province of knowledge.---,--The recent experiences of the medical service in South Africa give a special interest to a recent publication of letters, &c., relating to the Indian GovernmenL This is Papers Relating to the Improvement of the Position and Prospects of Civil Assistant Bu, geons en I, die (Government Printing Office, Cal nitta, 1.S. ) -- The Path of the Stan. By William Sandeman. (Simpkin, Mar- shall, and Co. 2s 6d. net.)—Mr Sandeman appeals to the " great, tolerant, truth-loving British public," which he compliments by saying that it is "ever anxious for the disclosure of long bidden physical truths." Tolerant it is. but scarcely anxious for the dis- closure of truths, whether hidden or no. It will not persecute a man for saying that the earth is flat, or denying that it is in the centre of the universe, but it does not trouble itself one way or the other. "Tolerant" people, in fact, are seldom "anxious." The object of Mr. Sandeman's- hostility is the "Precession of the Equinoxes."