1 SEPTEMBER 1917, Page 22

Britain versus Germany an Open Letter to Professor Eduard Meyer.

By the Right HIM. J. M. Robertson, M.P. (T. Fisher Darwin. 6d.)—Professor Meyer, who holds the Chair of History at Berlin and who is known by his erudite History of Antiquity, pub- lished lately a hook on England which Mr. Robertson exposes in this entertaining pamphlet as a farrago of Lad history and bad

sense. Professor Meyer is unquestionably a learned roan, and yet he has put his name to a book which no true scholar could have written, because, we presume, the " AU-Highest " wanted his chief Professor of History to join in the anti-English campaign. The degradation of the German Universities into blind instrument. of propaganda has, however, merely shattered their prestige without lionising the Allies in the least.