20 APRIL 1833, Page 11


The James Sibbald, Darby, from Calcutta to London, has been totally lost at Coringa Bay; • crew and passengers saved.

Arrived—At Gravesend, April 16th, Liebe, Currie, from Singapore; and 17th. II. C. S. Ditnira, Hamilton, front China. Off Portsmouth, 15th, Royal George, Wilson. 11,1:11 Bombay. Off Dartmouth, 17th. Kerswell, Haswell, from the Cape. Oil Lymington, 17th, Australia, Lobban, from Singapore. Off Portlaud, 17th, Alexander, Waugh, from Bengal ; and Marquis of Hastings, Clarkson, from Bombay. cur rlymmth, nth, Morley, Douglas, from Ceylon. At Liverpool, 13111, Claremont, Brown, from Bombay. At Leith, 15111, Drnmmore, M'Cullum, from Manril iris. At the Cape, Jan. 26th, John, Adair, from Liverpool; Feb. 1st, George and, Mary, Roberts, from Mam itius; 12th, Pacific, Mortimer, from Liverpool ; 13th, Eurphrates, Bockhorn, from Mauritius; 15th, Patriot, Guild, from London; and Mount Stuart Elphinstone, Elliot, from Madras ; Mexican, Carew, from London, and Conch, —, from Mauritius. At Madras, Alfred, Tapley, from London.

Sailed—From Gravesend, April 13, Bussorah Merchant, Moncrief, fur NeW South Wales ; 14th, Lady Kennaway, Moncrief, for Bengal; 15th. Atlas, Hustwielt, for Van Diemen's Land; and Lady Nt'Naghten, Faitk, for Madras ; 1701, Olive Branch, Ster- ling, for the Cape ; and Cabot. Len, for Batavia ; ond 18th, Protector, Buttenshaw, for Bengal. From Liverpool, 16th, Spartan, Webb, for Bengal. SATURDAY MORNING.

Arrived—Off the Wight, Auriga, Chalmers, from Mauritius. At Plymouth. H. M. S. Zebra, from Ceylon ; Off ditto, Fame, Richardson, from Mauritius. Off Cork, Morven, Mitchell, from the Cape.