20 APRIL 1839, Page 10

In the Court of Chancery, on Monday, it was agreed

that the case of the Baron de Bode against the Lords of the Treasury shall be heard on Wednesday next. The Baron, for whom Mr. Hill acts as counsel, ap- plies to the Court for an order on the Lords of the Treasury for 350,000/.

In the Court of Queen's Bench, Mr. Hayter, who had received a pa- tent of precedence, Mr. J. Stewart, M.P., Mr. Vaughan Richards, Mr. Girdlestone, and Mr. Griffith Richards, appointed Queen's counsel, took their seats " within the bar."

A rule for a criminal information was granted against Mr. Feargus O'Connor, proprietor of the Northern Star, for a libel on the Guardians of the Warminster Poor-law Union, contained in the following para- graph published in the Northern Star- " Warminster Bastile.—A little boy last week, for some small offence, was confined in the cells belonging to the above workhouse, and was literally starved to death. The poor little fellowactually eat, in consequence of hunger, two of his fingers, and the flesh from his arm."

Francis Hastings Medhurst, tried in the Central Criminal Court on Saturday, for killing Joseph Aliop, at Mr. Sturmer's Academy, near Uxbridge, was found guilty of manslaughter, and sentenced to three years' imprisonment in the Coldbath-fields House of Correction. In passing sentence, Mr. Justice Coleridge said— He rejoiced, from the situation of respectability which the prisoner had held, and from the contrition which he had exhibited up to the present time, that the Jury had conic to the decision that lie was guilty of the offence of manslaughter only ; but he warned him that, for that offence he was liable to be transported foi life. Them was one feature in his case which was of con- siderable weivlit against him, and which was the possession and use of the knife which hail been produced. He most earnestly cautioned all 'persons in Court to abstain from the purchase of such weapons; and lie regretted most sincerely that crimes of this description, resulting from the use of the dagger and the.knifr, had of late years much increased in this country.

In the Bail Court, on Wednesday, Mr. Jones Burdett, " a gentleman of fortune," figured as defendant in an action brought by Mrs.-Mangeon, keeper of a cigar-shop in Regent Street, for the recovery of a debt of 401. Ss. Gil.. incurred for cigars, soda-water, ginger-beer, and money lent. The plaintiirs shopman proved the debt : Burdett sometimes used eight shillings worth of' cigars in one day.—Verdict for the plaintiff.