20 APRIL 1839, Page 12

The stagnation which has prevailed, during the last three months,

in the foreign trade of this country is producing the effects which might naturally be The stagnation which has prevailed, during the last three months, in the foreign trade of this country is producing the effects which might naturally be

expected to result from its continuance. In one of the weekly cotton circulars received from Liverpool, it is stated " that the average consumption of cotton this year is at least 12 per cent. less than last rear, and if it should eontinue on this diminished senle, the falling-off for the whole year will be 100,1100 hales at least. The trade have only taken from this port 254,110 bales, ag u,t 32',,S30 bales at the same time last year, showing a difference of 3,770 bal.,s per week. Notwithstanding this discouragement, the American speculators show no dis- position to relax in their demands fur high prices for the raw material."_ Globe, April 20.