20 APRIL 1839, Page 14



No. 1. Sir ROBERT PEEL'S Amendment. Form of the Vote-That the original motion " stand part or the question." Majority (the " Ayes") marked A-318, Minority (tho " Noes ") marked N -296. Absent marked -.

No. 2. Mr. DCBCOMBE'S Addition. Fenn a the Vole-That the words proposed to be added to the original motion " be there added." Minority (the " Ayes") market! A-S1. Majority (the Nees ") marked N-299. Abseut marked -.

* Indicates the Tellers.

MEMBERS* NAMES. 1 2 Abereromby, lin.G.,Stirlysh A N Acheson, Lord, ilrwryh C A N Aelatl, SirT„ Deronsh., N N N

Acland, T. B., Somerset, W N N A'C•utrt, Cpt. T•enwort/i N, N Athtin, Adm., Clack. tj Kinr,l A N • Attire, Lord, Glaroorganshire, N N Aglionby, Maj. F., Climb. LEI- , Cocker/m.0h, a. A Ainsworth, P., Bolton

Alibrd, Lord,Bedloy/s/dre N -

Alsa„•mr, It., Sorry, 1?. - N Alston, It., Iferlfordshire .1 N Andover, Lord, :Iftlqoeslonry A N Anotill, Col., .9.talorol,h, rt.. S. N

Anson, Sir (I., Luck/ 'l/ A N

Arbuthnot, Gen.,kineardincs N - Archbold, 11,11i/dare A N Arch tats, t1., Fertninvigh N - Ashley, Lord, DttrAct5htre N - Att1100d, T., AI A

Att,WtHil, M White/Wen. • - -

A1 twooll, W.. Grren N N Ilaget, \V., Drid,V,Alre,. N _ Bagge, W., 1Vorfdk, ,„. N - Bailey, J., Wtoreester Bailey, 3. jun., Nsdbary ....N - liaillin, II. 1)., /bait NM Itaillbridgn, E. T., Tain.fon.' A A Baines, B., Leeds t N Baker, N., Wilt.on N N Bannerman, A., :11,17r/eon ,t - Baring, lion. F.. Tho.lf opt . • , N Baring, F. T.. Port,,,,th . • A N Baring, II. It., 111,10,ottotlyk. N Baring, NV.B..Stitifiml,h., N - Barnard, E. IL, Get. en trick A - liarneby, Ja1'oreentt7sh., E. N - Barrington, Lord. Berkshire. N N Barron, [LW., ,,' A - Barry, G. S., Cr!oo County A N Itatestm, Sir It., Dl'ITy N - 11nalniSll, F. B., Mit (.'it/ • A N Bell, M., Northronhtylan „S, N

lt.d.I en', It. 14., Lindh

Benoit J. W., Wiltshire, 8 , - _ Itentinek, Lord G., Lynn • N N Bent LI. W.. Obis/ion, . A - .1 terkelee, P. il..Ilristol .. • • A A Berkeley, C., Mellen/won A - Berkeley, G. C.,Glune.,IV. A N Bernal, R., Rochestrr ' A Bethell, It., Yirthshire, E • , N - Hewes, T., Mimosa A A Illacklairne,i. I., /Piorinyton N N Illttekett, C., Northumb., S ' A - Blackstone, W., IVnllinyji rd N J., IVigtonshire Bloke, W. 3., Newport ! A' - Blake, M. J. Galway City 'AIA Blakemore, H., Welts IN, MEMBERS' NAVIES. , 1I .

, I

' I

Illallilford, Marg., IVOOdStOCh.N , N Illeunerhassett, A., Kerry 11%; iN Blowitt, It., M I onmooth A !A Blind, Sir C. It., LetETS A!N Bodkin, 3. J., (totally Co. ' A, A lioldero, II, G., China:0mm, N N Bolling, IV., Boitun 'N'- II ins 3., Durham ,S I t . N Babszao, Lord, Dublin Cu A N Br:O.:WW1, Sir W., Mayo. • 1 A' A Bra■khaw, 3.. Cad:lb/try I N - BrantSnill, T. W., Essex, S N I - Bridgman, II., Ennis I A Briscoe, .1. I., //1.4bury A N linatIley. II., Yorkshire, E N -

Itroadwooll, IL, /lei/Newt/ter,: N. - Brueklelturst , 3., Macelevield A I -

I Irtul in , W. It,, Solli,bttry I A ' - Brotherton, J., So 1 fi.rd A ' Browne, It. D., .1/;iyo i .,, A 1;1'1/W111'i gge, 3. 5.,_ ll.oslutz. 1 N , - I 'mice, I aoal E., .111riburough' N

BIB:4i,, 1,., Meth IS ,

Bryan, Major, Kilkenny Co A A Buck, I,. W., Peron, N N -

Boller, C., 1./slimed I A N

Honor, E., SlaArdshire. N A. N Buller, Sir .1. Y - Detutugh., S. N Rohrer, Sir E., ',nimbi ... . ' A Burdett, Sir F., Il'itlshire, N. N - Burr, 11., II, 'rel;01 N - 1{1r1,11, Sir I I:, NinaThi/ni .. N - Barron-lies, I I., Norfolk, E.. N I -

Buslield, NV., Bouffl,r4 - -

Butler, Colonel, A-acing/Co - - By' tg , ft.., MiddlrePr A' N Bylig, 0. S., Chili ham . . • . • , A N ( 'a .emit, .1. II., Wareham N - Callaghan, IL, Cork A Campbell. Sir 3., Edinburtik A N Ca 111 Idn'll, Sir II., RiTirildoih. N - Cala Iil inl I , W, F., Argyllsh - - Catittitt4, Sir ti..1,yon N Unite' II I., Lord, Ile/stone . . N !- C4rtwright,W.,Nortiotillp.,S N - Cad loreagh, Ld., Ifinrashire N' - ('ave, It. t).„ 7Y4ywrary A . - CaVett. I into, C. C., Sasser, IS• A N 0111'11,1611, O., Derhysh.. N. A ! N Caylev, B. S. Yiwkshire, .1V. A' N

(lit:diners, P.,ilfontmse Chapman, M. L., If'estrrevah A I A Chapman, A., /V/iitby N !-

Chester, II., Louth Al Clivt‘, pal, W. F., SNfibrd 1 1 - Chichester, 3. F., BornstapE A' A Childers, J. W„ Melton A - Christopher, Maj., Lincoln, L N N Chute, W. I,., Norfillk1V. . • N - Clay, W., Tower Hamlets A1 N Clayton, Sir W., Marlow • A N Clerk, Sir G., Stamford .. • • N iN


MEmilEns NAMES. 1 2

hre, E. 11.,1Herefurd A N Grant, Col., Elginan d Nairn N - Clive, R. H., Salop. S N -

Grant, F. W., Incerness-shire N -

inch, l udlow N Grattan, :Tames, Wichlotu .. A - Codrington, Sir L.,./kronporl A A

Grattan, H., Sleuth I N

Codringtou, C. \V., (Bone., E Greetmway, C., Leominster AIN Cole, II. A., Enniskillen. • N N Gr,ene, T., Lancaster Cole. Lord, Fermanagh .. • • N - ynemouth.... Grey, Sir C., T

N IN Collier, J., Plymouth A A

Gre;.., Sir G., De' spurt . . A N

Collins, NV., Wiereeigi A A

Grinisilitelt,T.,More/estieM NIN Kilmarnock N N Grimston, fleet finalghire N N Colualumn, .1., Dumbartonsk. A N Grimston, B.11., St. Alba„ is N - Compton, II., Hampshire, S. N Grosvenor, DI. It., Chester

COL, Donegal

Grote, C., Latvian % A Conynql,am , Ld.. Canterbury A -

Guest, J. J., Merthyr Tydvil A !-

Cooper, E. J., Sligo N -

Hale, R., Gloucestershire, IV. N:N

Cooper, II. A., Dorchester . N -

Milford, H., Leirestershire,S. N -

Couto, Sir Co Queen s Co , N

Copeland, W., Stoke-a-Trent N

Hall, B., Ma rylebone A • A

Iludlyburton, Forfirsh • A I-

Corr • 11. T., Tyrone

Handley, II., Lincoln, Keste A :N Courtentty, P. Bridyetrater . N N Harcourt, G.. Buclanyhainsh N Cowper, W. F., Hertford • . . A N

Harcourt, G. G., 01:Jim/shire. - - Cresswell, Lirerpoul N -

Ilardin,ge, Sir IL, Lanneedon N • N

Crewe, Sir G., Derbyshire, S. N - Harland, W. C., D«rhanc A iN

Cripps, J., Cirencester N N

Harvey, D. \V., Southilalrle A A

Craig, W. 0., Edinburghshire A N Thistle, A., Falsity A; N Crawllanl, W., London A N Hawes, B., Lambeth 11N

Crawley, S., Bedford

Ilutwkes, T., Malley N N

Crompton, S., Think A N

Hawkins, J. II.. Newport A N

Currie, IL, Alorthampt.m A A

Haves, Sir E., Donegal..... N ,-

Corry, W., Armagh t - Ilat-ter, W. G., Wells t N lahm'ny, Lord, Stirling B, A N TTeatheard,J., Twerfon A N Dalrymple, Sir A., Brighton N -

Iluatheote, Sir G., Rutl«ndsh - - flamer, Col., l'ortarlington - -

Heathcote,(1., Lineo/n,Kesde A i - Darby, G., Susser, E. N N

Ileatheote,SirW.,//ampsh. A' N - Dashwood, G. II., Wycombe A A

Hector, C. :r., per,r,p,.br ! A

Darlingtuit, Lord, Salop, S N -

Heneage, E., Grimsby N Davenport, .1., Stolle-a.•Trent N - Homage, G., Devizes ...... N N Davies, Col. T. H., Worcester A - Henniker, Lord, Snifidk, E.. N.- Detatistottn, J., Glasgow.. A A

Hephurn,SirT.,lladdingtons. N , N

D'Eyneourt, C. T., Lambeth A - De Horsey, S. 11.,Netec-u.L N N Herbert, S., Iriltshire, N N Ilerrics, 1. C.. Harwich

Denison, W. .T., Sorry, IV A -

Dick , Q., Mahlon N -

Heron, Sir It., Peterborough A IN

Hill, Lord A. M., Eceshant A A Disraeli. It., Maidstone ..„ N -

Divett, E., Exeter A N

Hill, Sir R., Ld , Downsh. N -

Dunkin, Sir It. S., Sandwich A N

Ilinde,J.11.,Nravisge.u.- T. N1N Douro, Mani., Norwich - -

'Dudley, C., ..... . A ,N

Dottin, A. R., Southamphot N -

Holthouse, Sir J., N,,ttinghoi. A N Douglas, Sir C., IVorwiele N -

1101thouse, T. 13., Mel:ester . AIN

Dowileswell, W., 2'euthesbury N N

linters, T. L.. Kent, W. A I A Did, J., Ila»lAbire A N

110,14son, It., Berwick N IN

Dad& T...,-Ibiltydon N - H0,L,;(111. F.. Hrrnstaide.. • N - Dmplale, W.. ll'arwiefish. N.' N -

Doke, Sir James, Bus on A A

H ,ogg, J. W., Bererley :Ni- l-101111es, \V., Berwick N

Dunbar, G., Bel first N N

'Mules, NV. A., Isle qf N Duncan, Lord, Southampton - - Hollond. R., Hastmys A , A Dulicombe , T. S., Finsbory. . Hope, 11. T., t7howester NI - Duncombe, A., Basge/htte N-

Dope, I loti .C., LinliOnolunth. N N

Dtmemnbe, W., Yorkshire, A' N!-

hope, G. \V., Weymouth . N, N

Duntlas, Sir R. Richmond A • A Horsmau, E.,Cuckermouth A ,N

Dunaluts, J. C., York A I A

Hoskins, K.. liertfaalshire A • -

flotillas, Captain, Flint , , A , A

pundits, E., Orkney •' I N

Dothan', Lord, Leominster

HmtWswurth. T., Notts., N. N!


Dungannon, Lord. Durham . - - Tim istott, G., Waerren•s/are Dupre, C., Buckinghamshire N!- Howard, W., So/ow/ow/shire NI N Ea,A..1. IL, Winchester

J., Leicester .... A A }toward, F.J.. Yarghall. • lloward, P. IL, Carlisle

Al- A .N Bastuor, Lord, Reigate N N

I harartl, II., widow AIN

Button, It. .1., Cambridgeshire N N Edwards, C,u1., Montywneru : A - Egerton, Lord, .Lancosh. S.. N I - ITowiek, TA., Northumb., A N Ilughes, W. B., rag re . ,_I- 11ttniphery..1., South tenth Ai- Egerton, Sir I'., rlwshire, R. N N Mune, J., Kilkenny Egerton, W. T., Cheshire, N. N N Eliot. Lord, Cornwall, E. • • I N I - Hurst, It.' I forsha m A A


hurt, I'., Derbyshire, S. .. • • NI- Ellice, Capt. A., Thrwich. .1 A N

Hutt, W.. A

Ellice, E. Jim,, St. ibotrew'x' A !NI

'Litton, It., A N

Ellice, IL. Coventry ,AN; logestrie, I.d., St yrordsh.. S. A !- Elliot, .1. E., lt,elowghshire A N Ellis,.., Newry N

11,41,111, li., s:e•th sh;elds • . A N

S'.1. R. II., C N Ellis, NV. J.eirester A t , runywrintet, Ir. N - Erie, \V. H., 0 rli,rd A, N. Esteon rt, T. II. S., ATI:WV., N.- I In g . .1., Antrim Jaeksun • .1. P., it turbo! • N N E,teourl. T. 0, hrrwil Cnir. N N

;bum's. \V•, E • A -



James, Sir \V.. /hi/ Etist■ol. Earl of. Thetfird A I - Jenkins, Sir It., Shrea,'”, /. N - Evan:. G., Doblin ..... „1 A A Jermytt, Bari/ s N' N Evans, Col., /Cestminster A iA Jervis. .1„ rkenter ' A Eva ■us, NV. It., Derbyshire, .N A . N Jervis, S., Bri‘//,,,st Emu.', W. /Ciaan I A Johnon, Gen., 014h ' t A; ',nob:km, Leieestrr,k. N. N N1 1:1111,10110, II., palm', i:• •h . ' -

Fartand. N

Jones, Caroeirth, nn!.',, . N N

Faza'serley, J., reterbor,wyb .t N Femur,

.1. , 'NW!, Co N - Jones, \V., Denbigh N N Feiblen, NV., Markburn N N' F.. Ipswich Fichlon, .1- Oblitain N A Keinble, 11., Narrq, . • N N Fellow,. E., Iluntinydonsh. N N tier, D.. Ltoeapatrie/t N1 I - Fenton„tolin, R.,eicbile _ A A.; Kerrison, Sir E., Eye N _ Fergt,,,ni, Sir IL, /..,chacty, A N Fcros,,ii, R., B. N Kinitaird, A., Perth A N' Kirk. P.. et r..Mkt;Tga, N N Ferga.aol, Sir R.. NWti,,ykom A N Filiner, Sir E.. Kest, f'. . N N Ktiateldnill, Sir E., Kent, V.' N - Knight. II. G., ..V.

Finch, F., il'o/soll I A 1:cd:;10 ley, C., Northqmpt,,s. N s, Fitqu.triek, Qwwn's C.. • A -; Fit/Alan. Lord, ../rwotct A N

Knox. I lot,. T., N -

Labonehere, II., N

Col., Liao:ride C. A

Lain1)1011, II.. Dorha m A - Fitzroy, Lord C. Bury St. E. A N' 'Annul:de. C., K.},11.1.A,Oril,:ge A A I'itzroy, Hon. II.. Lewes N 1.aligtoii, W. (1., Som,:rsel . I?. A A

Eitzsinion, N., King's C. . • A : N •

1.aseelles, W. S.. i 'a hell, tt . N -

Fleetwood, P. II., Preston , A N

haw, (.% II., Cambridge N - Fleming, .1., liantpSkire, S.. N'-1

1.eader, S. 'r., IVestminder. . A *

Foley, E. T., nervimishirc.. N

Follett, Sic W., A rtiter I - -

Lefevre, C. S., Mays/sire. N. A N i.erroy, N - Fore,t 11.m. O., Wen bwk. N I.eition, Sir C., (7..rnwoll, W. A - , .1„ Clitheroe . . A . - Fox, I, Lane, Hercrley N N

Ereunantle,T., Biwkiegh«m .; • N

Lennox, Lord A., Chichester Le. eson, Lord. M.wiwth . A N A N Fr•uieli, R igeoninvill .. • . A N Liddell, 11., Durham, ...

- -

Fresliliel,1„I.W., Noun . . N N Gaskell, .1. M., Weolock... N - Lincoln, Earl Iroot, S...

Lister, E. C., Bontr,rd N - A A

Gibson. T. M., Ipswich .. • . - - Litton, E.. Caleraino


Gillon, W. D., Falkirk A Lygon, II. B., Witreester, If'.


Gladstone, W. E., Newark.. N

!.each, A. 11., Galway City.


Glynne, Sir S. R., Flintshire ! N - Goddard, A., Crieklarle 1A I -

1 Godson, It., Kidderminster • • IN - IMO', J., trick Burghs Lockhart , M., Lanarkshire .

Long, NV., Wiltshire, .IV


Gorelon,Capt., Aberdeenshire , N - Gordon, R., Windsor

Lowther, H. C., Westinorcld.

Lowther, J. 11„ York N - N- Gore, W. O., Salop, N N

Gore, .1. It. 0., Cornartvinsh

Loather, Isl., /Vestmoreland.

Lucas, E., .1fonaghan

N- N -

iN -

Goring, II. D.. Shoreham . • A N Lashington, Dr., Toner fr..


Goulburn, II., Cambridge, U. N -

Lushington, C., Ashburton .


Graham, Sir J., Pembroke • •IN N

Mackenzie, T., Ross G Crum.


Granby, nag., Stamford N

Mackenzie, \\'. F., l'ablessh N IN



MEMBE118. NAUSS. 1 2 Master, T. W., Cirencester.. N1N :NI ildmay, P., ll'hwlwiter A N Miller,W.H., .Ve.weostle-u.-1, N' - Mllnes, It.. Pantrrrnet O'Connell, M., Trafee A - O'Connor Don, Roscommon . A - Parker, It. T., Preshm N N

rn Pereeval, l ',A., Sii,p,

Philips. N1.. .11,1,w/ie.:Per . ,,,' A N : l'ig01, 1). 11.. 0::ki:/lel N -

Pollen, sir J.

Price, It., R.rdner .

ry,e, P., Canb ,I?

PiiNey, P., ,..,., Ber,4re N N •

Roche, E., Oa* County t W C

Ruche, D., Limerick t .t

Rose, Sir G., Christchurch .. - -

R011est011, (Jul., Not/S, S• • • N - I Round, C., Essex, N N N Milton, Lord, ;Milton NI- Smith, G. 3. .11p. ,. .11:1;om I. e 0 kerrall, R. M., Kildare. .• A N :...Stuy4Ide,,, ISI. Sir tE'.,Sin P•illipps, :sir R., llarofardw. A N , N s Ian, J. B., 'Teter Mackinnon, NV., Lyminyton. N.- Russell, Lord John, Stroud A N Maclean, IL, Orferd 's - Russell, Lord, Taristoch.... A - Macleod, IL, Inverness A IN Salwey, Col., Ludlow A A Macnamara, Mai., C/are ... AIN St. Paul, Sir H., Woreester,E. N - Mactaggart, J., Wigton .B. . A IN Sanderson, R., Colchester. . . N - Mahott, Lord, Hertford N IN &MOM', Lord, I.iverpool... . N N 1Nlaber, J., /Vertl,rd Coinity A N Sanford, E. A., Somerset, W. A N Maidstone,1.11-N,r/kumpI.N N;- Scarlett, J. Y., Gui/drod ... N N Malliters,LO.C../.eicesti7,11,. N ;N Seholetield, J., BirmIngham. A A Marshall, W., Carlisle A 'N &Tope, G. l'.. Stroud A N Marsland, II, •Stockgurt . • .. ATI Scale, Sir J.11., Dartmouth A A arslaud, 3luti., Stockport .. N - Seymour, Lord, Tutliess . A.


31;trtin, S., Tewkesbury .... A, A Sharpe, Gen., Dumfries , - Martin, T., 0 thcay Comity.. A IN Shaw, F., Dublin University - Marton,.G. It., Lancaster... NI- Shell, It. L.. Tipperary & - Mathew, G. B., Shaftesbury. Ni- N N Maude, Hon, F., Elgin A,N :11111.114e1.7.,nEL .TS7,FIVir"ing:ick, S.. N N Maltilsell,T.P.,NorOMV.N Sildhorpe, Col., Lincoln.. • . N - 'Maxwell, Hon. S. 'Leman N 1,- Sinclair. Sir G., Caithness .. N - Molgtonl, Lord, Hythe .is Showy, R. A., Shrewsbury.. A N 7slevuell, II., Liawrn NI- Smith, It. ,Nt'..,, eiNI;uirtha piton . A N Miles, P., BriSto/ N IN Smith, B., Non.r.irctliies.cr.. . . A N Miles, W., Somersetshire, E.INiN Smith, Abel, Hertfordshire.. N ,- Mulesworth, Sir W., Leeds.. - - Somerset,Ld.G.,Manniouths• N Moneepenny, Capt., Rye... N - Somerville, Sir W.. Drogheda A MOrOannt, Sir J., f Varreieh.S. N N Spencer, F., Jlidhurst .... . . A Moreton, A. IL ,Olouccster,E. A N Speirs, A., Richmond A A Morgan. C. M. It., Brecon.. N - Spry, Sir S., Bodmin N - Morpetli, L.1., Yorkshire, IV. A N Standish, C„ 117igalt A Morris, IT., Carmarthen A - Stanley, E. J., Cheshire, N.. • Nlurray, A., Kirhewthright A N Statile:v., Ltl., I,ancashire, N. N N

Mtirray, J. A., Leith A N Stanley, NV., Anglesea - -

Muskett, G. A., St. Alban's. A A Stanley, E., Cumberland IV - - Nagle, Sir It., /l', •toicath .. A - Stanley, W. NI., Pontefract A - Neehl, .Toseph, Chipped/1,n. N - Stanstield, W., Huddersfield A N Neel;, John, Crir',/,tde .... N N Staunton. Sir G., Portsmouth A - Nieholl, J., Canby N - Steuart, R., Haddington B.. • • Noel, W. M., ltutlynishire. N - Stewart, .1., Huntton ..... ..

Norreys, Lord, Orfladshfre N - Stewart, J., Lytnington Norreys, Sir D. ,T., Mallow . A N Stock, Dr., Cashel O'Brien, C., Clare A - Stormont, Lord, Perthshire .

O'Brien, S., /Amer/cream/0 A - Strangways, J. G., Dorsetsh. A N O'Connell, J., Athlone A A Strutt, E., Derby O'Connell, M. S., Kerry . . . A N Start, H. C.. Porsetghire.. • O'Neill. Gen., Antrim: N - , Sorry, Earl of. Sussex, W. . A Ord, W., Newcastle. neTyne A - ' Talbot, J. II., New Ross .. . OssnIston. Lit., Northumb. .N. N N TalhOL C. It., Glamorgansh.. Owen, Sir .1., Pembrokeshire. N N Talfourd, T. N., Reading. .. packe, C. W., Leicestersh, S. N N Tattered, II. W., Banbury .. Paget, F., Bcovonoriq A N Teignmouth.Ld„.11farylibone

Paget, Lind A., Lichfield . , .& - Tennent, J. E., Belfast

Putkington„T„ Dmitreich .. N N Thompson, W., Sunderland Palmer, G., Esser, S N - Thonms, Col. FI., Kinsale . .

Parker, H. E., Dcemshire, S. N N TOwidey,R.G.,Cambridgesh. A Parker, J., Ski://ieht A N Trench, Sir F., Scarborough. NI Miran, J., noes .t. A Tuner, E., Truro A ; Patten, .1 . W., Lancashire, N. N - Turner, W.. Blackburn A , Pease„ 1„ Durham, 5 A N , Vere, Sir C. 11., Stgiblk, E.. N wo, Sir It.. Ta al Tart lt N N Vernon, G.11., Bass, t la a• . . , r; Peel, J., ibmfiaga m . N - Verner. (..',11.. Armagh County N

Pemberton, T., itile,n . Vigors, N.. f'arlow t

Pelidar, l.<. E. W.,C,,,,,,,,um• N N Villiers, C .P..I Voirerhamp'on: A. PereeN al, Capt. ,Si,',n. l, I '.. N - ' Villiers. Lord, Wei/111,0h . . N Philips, G. I(.. t,,,,te N, -N \\VI iii:: iii';:, .S1m.i riti11.1:.,...4.C:1 B;;;; ;ill : ,. ..E. : .. i'4. .t„, Philliarts, J., G/ .,ce,ter , • „ A .i Wadini..:ion, G.. Sa,.1411, 11'. N Pigot, R., Brida a a th Wile 1..v, T., 1.71$'/■/.9 Pliiinpi re 1. P.. K. ot. E... N N W , • ;ace. II., Greenaell j,,,,,,,i, w. m.. .1.,,,,,,I,,„.:),... N _ ' White, S., Leitrim Protheroe, E., Batifar ..... , A A I Wil le. T.. Newark lice., ,E., 1.1aVIT.4thi etTAiie, /1' I

ElpIX1U, C., Gateshead .... A A Wood, T., Middlesex Shelhorne, Earl, Caine A N


Smyth, Sir G. H.. Colchester N :- O'Callaghan, C.. Dungarvan. A A Strickland, Sir G., York, W. A A Stuart, Lord J. t,.. Ayr 0. • • A N O'Connell, D., Dublin A - Stuart, W. V., Waletferd a. A N

O'Connell, M., Meath A - Stuart, R., Bedford - - srE..ela Ripon .

no Palmer, C. F., Reading A N Thomson, C. P., Manchester A N I'altner, Ii., Berkshire N - I Thoruely, T., Wolverhampton A : A Palnierslon, Lord, "f ima- la n A N Thornhill, G., Ilutatingdawh. N N Parker, 'I'. A.W., 0.,prd:hire N - Tollemaelte, F., Grant/arm.. N - Paell, Sir II.. Dundee . A N Trevor, 0. It., Carinarthensh. N 1- Troubridge, Sir E., Sandwich A Patti-oil. J., Lando t A Tyrrell. Sir.T. T., Harr,.,V. . x :- Pecliell, II. It.. Briald an . . A - • , Verney, Sir IL,Buchingham, A t- NValkei. 11., Burt/ -

1 N A

Pinney, Nv I ,,,,. WAlker, l'. A., Th. if•rd. • .. A Plana, .1,, /f'''use N N \V 01, C. B., tiai/dfi.rd ..... N Polhill, Capt. F., /I'd 1:.pl . . s - Walsh. Sir .1., :Sudbnry . ... ' Pollock. Sic F.. Beatioydon.,N - W,nburtoll, II- Bridpart . , . . A Ward, H. G., Slallirld

Ponsonby, C.. Yo A

I., N ' Welhy, G. E. Grant/nett m . . . N Poitsonliv , .1. (i., Derba .... Lt N W",I,,s, J. 13'.• i'Vethife • • • A Powell, W. E.. (': rd hp: niddre N- , W,,teara, II. IL, Mwmyhan A Powerseourt, Lord. Rtth . . .: s - i W0610111.11, .1., King's Caunty. A Power, .1., It ',I!, rf',1,1County,' A A ' : While, A.. Sunderland ' A Power, .1., il'elfn1 County • , A • N White, Col., Longr;41/ A Prue& W. T.. NI. lees '.,: N White, L., 1,,,ngr,l'd I A N N Whitmore, T. C.. Bridynorth N Pri-e, Sir It.. Myer, t,h,re . A N , IN ilbrah 1111, G„ ( to stare, s. & PcineIr, A., sett:irks(ht, , ' N _. W111,,,,h,,ni. D., 1,aneash• S. N Pr.) Me, 0„ (',/mbri,ige I N' Wilkins. W., Radnorshire .. A

P y Willimus, E., Dorchester . . . N

Williams, T. 1'., Marlow . - N Eat., Sir W., Buteshire N N'' Williams.W. A...1/0nru•adhs. A Eamsbottom, .1., Windsor .. A A , WIli•oils. W.. C..renfry . • • • A /1„,thigt,,,,, T,, „,„„,,,,/,, , A NI ' Wilmot. Sir E., Warwick, N. N Kent, Sir .1. It., Darer N N' Wilshire, NV., rartnouth..... ,,,, N ic, , r. s (,,, go 1 Ns , Wilmington. Capt., Inorces•,

Rick, H., Knaresborough......t N Winnincton. T.. Headley . . _

Richards, It., .1/eriourthshirc N N Woaellouse. E.. Norfolk, E.., N NN mai, ( 01.. RI:rem:stare.— N Rieklbrd, W., Aylesbury.... N N ood, ., nu lif. r.r

M ood, M., Lend a A

W o o ti , G. W., K. whit Roche, W., Limerick A N A Rolfe, Sir R., Penron A .' N 1 Woisley, 1,41., Liar„ l,, Lin. . ' A Round, J.,21faidan NINv ,,rtiginl if s(71‘,%.N.N, . ,3 t.N,netryt /:fianterierts:: , NA Wyndham, W.. .Salisbury... N Wynn, Sir W.W., Thatbighsh.tN Rumbold, C. E., Yarmouth.. NA N- Wyse, 'r., Watcybrd . , _ Rundle, J., Tartsteck A A Yates, Ashton. Carlow t A Ruslibrooke, Cul. Svidk, W. N - Yorke, E.T.. Cambridgeshire N

%shout, 0., Evesham - - Young, Sir W., Buckingham-6.1N

Russell, Lord C., Bedfordsh, A N Young, J., Cavan N


r. A N 4I




• A N N






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