20 APRIL 1861, Page 8



THE market for English Securities has undergone considerable fluctu- ations this week, the final quotations showing about I per cent. im- provement. The highest advance, however, which occurred to-031, has not been maintained ; and Consols, from being 921 "buyers" for 9th May, have since receded to 92k "sellers." The first transac- tions in Consols were on Monday, at 91} to 911 for Money, and 91ito 91i for Account. The markets were dull during_ha t day, pending the financial statement of the Chancellor of the Exchequer; an im- provement of per cat. was established the next day, solely upon that statement; but it was evident the advance would not have been sap- Ported b' the general dealers but for the fact of several extensive bondfide investments on the part of the public, and purchases to the extent of 400,0001. in New Three per Cents, and 1000001. in Consols by the London and Westminster Bank ; the latter, of course, had the greatest effect, and from 91} the market advanced to 94 at which price, to-day, they were at one time exceedingly firm. Money, incon- sequence of these large purchases, has been extremely plentiful, and loans have been easily obtainable at from 2 to 3 per cent. In the dis- count market the inquiry has only been limited, and at much easier rates ; indeed, but for the fall in continental exchanges, it is more than probable the Bank of England Directors would on Thursday last have resolved upon a farther reduction in the minimum rate, to4i or even 4 per cent. All these favourable circumstances (including the weather) have not, however, been sufficient to check the gloom and apprehension occasioned by the present aspect of political affairs on the Continent, and indeed it may be said all over the world. The next mail from America is awaited with the greatest anxiety, the latest (yesterday) being the most unfavourable yet arrived, although news one day later seems less unsatisfactory. French Rentes are telegraphed to-day about g,per cent. higher. Bank Stock, 229, 231; India Stock, 221, 223. India Loan Scrip has improved more than 1per cent. upon extensive purchases by the public, and closes Du, 102*. Exchequer Bills, 2s. dis.' and 2s. prem. New Three per Cents and Reduced, 901,, 90i. Money has again been very cheap all the day. In the Foreign Stock Market business has only been of a limited character, and confined principally to one or two stocks. Mexican Bonds steady, at 24, 244 ; Turkish Stocks have fluctuated a good deal, but close firmer, the Old Six per Cents, 70, 71; and the New do., 531, 53,5; Sardinian, 81, 82; Victor Emmanuel, 914, 95i ; Spanish, 49-1-, 491. ; Do. Deferred, 41, 41+; Spanish Certificates, 5f, ; Do. Passive, 14, 17i. In other Stocks there is little change to notice. Buenos Ayres are rather better, 88, 89 for the Six per Cents, and 28, 29 for the Three per Cents ; Peruvian Four-and-a-Half per dents, 94, 05. Money has been easy at 5 per cent. Railway Shares have likewise varied a good deal, and the final figures will show an improvement in most undertakings : Midland Stock has advanced to 1245i, 125 ; Lon- don and Brighton, 118, 120; North Stafford, 13i, 13k. In other Stocks and Shards the rise is from i topper cent. Foreign Shares are firmer owing to better prices from the Continent. Lombardo-Venetian, 1f, dis. : this is Nual to or per cent. rise; Luxembourg, 61-,

London and Westminster Bank, 67.1-, 681; London Joint, 30*, 301; City, 71, 73. After regular hours, things are slightly flatter all round.