20 APRIL 1889, Page 14



Ss.,—The Dean of Durham, in the Spectator of April 13th, deals for the most part with an imaginary opponent. With much of what he says about the excellent work of High Churchmen I entirely agree, and I fail to recognise as mine either the statements or the sentiments he ascribes to me. Writing on a journey, the Dean perhaps had not my original letter before him, but he will find on reference to it that I avoided—as now sub judice—the whole subject of "advanced ritual ;" and I think he knows that, far from advocating the " expulsion " of those who adopt it, I am in favour of the largest comprehension possible. Believing as I do that grave mischief is arising from the present virtual suspension of authority, I have pleaded for a combined effort to mend our Courts, a task independent, as it seems to me, of the not less necessary effort to simplify and widen our rubrics.—I am,